
Sist endret 22. apr. 2015 09:29 av

Title of dissertation:

How teachers teach and readers read. Developing reading comprehension in English in Norwegian upper secondary school.


Sist endret 22. apr. 2015 09:20 av

Avhandlingens tittel er:

How teachers teach and readers read. Developing reading comprehension in English in Norwegian upper secondary school.

Sist endret 24. apr. 2015 12:30 av

Title of dissertation:

Educating Teachers of the Deaf: Experiences and Perspectives from Teachers on facilitating academic and social participation in Uganda.


Sist endret 27. apr. 2015 11:22 av

Avhandlingens tittel er:

The Bodily and Contextual Foundations of Conceptual Coherence and Continuity. Case studies from the teaching and learning of science inquiry.

Sist endret 27. mai 2015 15:10 av

Title of dissertation:

State-Based Curriculum-Making - A Study of Curriculum in Norway and Finland.


Sist endret 18. des. 2014 14:50 av

Avhandlingens tittel er:

Læreres bruk av spørsmål og responser i helklasseundervisnng på ungdomstrinnet,.

Sist endret 4. feb. 2015 15:19 av

Title of dissertation:

Teachers’ use of questions and responses during whole-class teaching in science and language arts.


Sist endret 25. juni 2015 17:09 av Monika Bærøe Nerland

Title of dissertation:

Knowledge work in the teaching profession: Opening  up the black box of teachers' engagement with Assessment for Learning.

Sist endret 5. mai 2015 08:41 av Toril Eggen

Title of dissertation:

School Leadership in Innovative Work - Places and Spaces.

Sist endret 5. mai 2015 08:41 av Toril Eggen

Avhandlingens tittel er:

School Leadership in Innovative Work - Places and Spaces.

Sist endret 24. juni 2015 10:53 av

Title of dissertation:

Inkludering, tilpassa læringsdialogar og kognitiv stimulering i arbeid med elevar med Down-syndrom - ei multimetodisk tilnærming til undervisning og læring.

Sist endret 24. juni 2015 10:52 av

Title of dissertation:

Inclusion, educational dialogues, and cognitive stimulation in the education of pupils with Down syndrome - A multi-method approach to teaching and learning.