Just Education and Pedagogy for Justice

Welcome to webinar organized by the University of Oslo, Department of Education, in collaboration with the Department of Education, University of Cyprus.

Bildet kan inneholde: puslespill, skrift, tekst, rød, oransje.

Photo: Pixabay

If you wish to attend, please send an email to inga.bostad@iped.uio.no


08.20 (Norwegian time): Connection. Welcoming Comments.

08.30: First Paper, Torill Strand, Thinking a Pedagogy for Justice Now: Political philosophy of Education in a Time of Pandemic

09.00: Second Paper, Kalli Drousioti, Jouissance and the Lack of the Symbolic: (Un)Doing justice to (and) the subject of education

09.30: Third Paper, Eevi Elisabeth Beck, A Covid Climate in which Black Lives Matter: Collapse of ‘the View from Nowhere’

10.00: Short Coffee Break 

10.15: Fourth Paper, Mark Debono, Time of Justice in Education: A Contrasting Look between the “to come” of Gert Biesta’s justice and the “now” of Marianna Papastephanou’s justice

10.45: Fifth Paper, Kjetil Horn Hogstad, A Materialist Semiotic Perspective on Justice in Education

11.15: Sixth Paper, Inga Bostad, Educational Reasoning in Times of Crisis

11.45: Lunch Break

13.15: Seventh Paper, Elin Rødahl Lie, Gender Equality, third, fourth or fifth act? A critical analysis of Nordic educational discourses on gender equality

13.45: Eighth Paper, Ole Andreas Kvamme, Justice and Education in the Anthropocene: The Case of Norwegian Oil Museum

14.15: Ninth and Closing Paper, Marianna Papastephanou, And That’s Not All: faces and surfaces of justice in philosophy of education

Publisert 16. nov. 2020 18:01 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2020 18:01