Open seminar: "Rethinking the role of thinking in research"

Welcome to this open research seminar with Dr. Nick Peim, University of Birmingham, UK. The seminar explores the resources available from philosophy and theory that can be practically applied to any educational research project.

Picture of lecturer. Photo.

Dr. Nick Peim, University of Birmingham. UK. Photo: Private


14.15; Welcome and brief introduction. Torill Strand, Department of Education, University of Oslo

14.20; Rethinking the role of thinking in research. Nick Peim, University of Birmingham

15.00; Comments. Kjetil H. Hogstad, Department of Education, University of Oslo

15.15; Discussion

About the seminar

Thinking has not deemed to be essential to research, appearing most usually – in the vastly proliferating manuals – as a supplement coming under the label of theory. After Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, and Derrida we know that thinking is primary and that we cannot escape the ontological dimension that decrees both forms and contents of knowledge.

Cover photo of a book.
Cover photo: Bloomsbury

What happens if we re-conceptualize research – for research students and practitioners – so that thinking is the point of departure?

What resources for thinking can we deploy?  What effects must this have on research practice?

The perspective offered here begins (research) with a basic phenomenology, putting the researcher at the center of knowledge, proposes key categories for thinking and advocates the rejection of the standard model.

Nick Peim

Nick Peim is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Birmingham, UK. His competencies range from philosophy of education, to research methods and education policy and politics. He says; “I work with ideas in education, philosophy and theory. I am concerned with modernity and the contemporary condition of the world. Essentially, I am an ontological trying to make sense of the phenomenon of education at a time that is particularly rich in ideas”.

Publisert 2. des. 2019 12:38 - Sist endret 8. des. 2019 20:07