LEA@ECER 2023: The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research

Two LEA members, Trude Nilsen and Xin Liu, contribute with paper presentations to the ECER 2023 conference in Glasgow (see below for more details).

Contributions involving LEA members:


  • Teacher Beliefs on the Nature of Mathematics: Do These Affect Students’ Motivation and Enjoyment of Mathematics Across Different European Countries.
    Xin Liu, Jelena Radisic, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Nils Bucholtz, Hege Kaarstein

  • Teacher Qualifications And Teaching Quality Related To Changes In Matehmatics Achievement in TIMSS from 2015 To 2019.
    Trude Nilsen, Hege Kaarstein

Publisert 17. aug. 2023 09:53 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2023 09:59