Presentation: Digital numeracy assessments in Norway

Guri - on behalf of the Norwegian numeracy mapping test - presented at the FLIP+ webinar. Using data from cognitive labs, pilot studies and the first test administration, the presentation discussed how students are affected by test design, and how valid and reliable digital numeracy assessments can be developed for young students. The presentation was recorded and can be watched here. Guri's presentation starts at around 20 minutes into the webinar. More about what was discussed in the presentation can be found underneath.

What was addressed in the presentation?

The advantages and issues related to developing and administering digital numeracy assessments, and how they are adapted for 1st and 3rd-grade students.

  • What adaptations were made for students who do not yet read well enough to understand written task instructions?
  • Did the assessment tasks enable students to work in much the same way they do in classroom activities during mathematics instruction?
  • What is the impact on the listening ability, concentration, and motor skills of these very young students?


Publisert 30. jan. 2023 12:30 - Sist endret 30. jan. 2023 12:30