2012 Transaction Publications


  • Arnseth, H. C., Gilje, Ø. and Erstad, O. (2012). Trajectories of learning lives: Continuities and discontinuities in lifelong learning across contexts. Lifelong Learning in Europe, 17(1):12-19. 
  • Erstad, O. (2012). The learning lives of digital youth-beyond the formal and informal. Oxford Review of Education, 38(1): 25-43.
  • Halvorsen, T.A. (2012). Participation in the ICT era: Implementation without humiliation, misconception and false consciousness. International Review of Education, 58(3):313-334.

  • Hatlevik, O. E. and Arnseth, H. C. (2012). ICT, teaching and leadership : how do teachers experience the importance of ICT-supportive school leaders? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, (1):55-70. 
  • Johannesen, M., Erstad, O. and Habib, L. M. A. (2012). Virtual learning environments as sociomaterial agents in the network of teaching practice. Computers and education, 59(2):785-792.
  • Johannesen, M. (2012). The Role of Virtual Learning Environments in a Primary School Context: An Analysis of Inscription of Assessment Practices. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(2):302-313.

  • Liu, F. (2012). 'Politically indifferent' nationalists? Chinese youth negotiating political identity in the internet age. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 15(1):53-69. 
  • Rudberg, M. and Nielsen, H. B. (2012). The making of a 'new man': Psychosocial change in a generational context. The Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 6(1):20. 
  • Sandvik, M., Smørdal, O. and Østerud, S. (2012). Exploring iPads in Practitioners' Repertoires for Language Learning and Literacy Practices in Kindergarten. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 3:204-221. 
  • Silseth, K. (2012). The multivoicedness of game play: Exploring the unfolding of a student's learning trajectory in a gaming context at school. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(1):63-84. 
  • Svoen, B. R. and Gilje, Ø. (2012). Policy Making and Practices of Production Across Contexts of Learning. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 4:284-300. 

Book - Book chapters:

  • S. Østerud (Ed.) (2012). 22. juli. Forstå - forklare - forebygge, Abstrakt forlag.
  • S. Østerud, B. Gentikow and E. G. Skogseth (Eds.) (2012). Literacy practices in late modernity: Mastering technological and cultural convergences, Hampton Press.
  • Erstad, O. (2012). Approaching school change through 'learning lives': Norway. In Changing Schools. Alternative ways to make a world of difference, (pp. 220), Routledge.
  • Gilje, Ø. (2012). Meningsskaping i digital medieproduskjon - et dobbelt blikk. In Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen, (pp. 304), Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Liu, F. and Ngwana, T. (2012). Internationalization and globalization: Implications for higher education learning and teaching. In International perspectives on higher education: Challenging values and practice, (pp. 236), Routledge.
  • Rudberg, M. (2012). Gender, knowledge and desire: A story of change? In Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society, (pp. 179-193), Sense Publishers.
  • Silseth, K. and Erstad, O. (2012). Mirroring the surfaces of the self: Exploring literacy practices of digital storytelling. In Literacy practices in late modernity: Mastering technological and cultural convergences, (pp. 225-244), Hampton Press.
  • Silseth, K., Vasbø, K. B. and Erstad, O. (2012). Sosiale medier i undervisningen: Space2cre8 i et multietnisk klasserom. In Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen, (pp. 304), Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Stuedahl, D. and Mörtberg, C. (2012). Heritage Knowledge, Social Media and the Sustainability of the Intangible. In E. Giaccardi (Ed.) Heritage and social media: Understanding heritage in a participatory culture, Routledge.

  • Østerud, S. (2012). Changing concepts of literacy. From reading and writing to cultural practices. In Literacy practices in late modernity: Mastering technological and cultural convergences, (pp. 1-17), Hampton Press.
  • Østerud, S. (2012). Innledning: Oslo, 22. juli 2011. In 22. juli. Forstå - forklare - forebygge, (pp. 308), Abstrakt forlag.
  • Østerud, S. (2012). Kan vi forstå terrorhandlingene som rammet oss 22. juli? In 22. juli. Forstå - forklare - forebygge, (pp. 308), Abstrakt forlag.
  • Østerud, S. (2012). Literacy as Recontextualization: Reformulating the Norwegian Curriculum to Take Account of Student Engagement With Digital Media. In Literacy practices in late modernity: Mastering technological and cultural convergences, (pp. 159-175), Hampton Press.
  • Østerud, S. (2012). Terror via maske og spill. In 22. juli. Forstå - forklare - forebygge, (pp. 308), Abstrakt forlag.
  • Østerud, S., Gentikow, B. and Skogseth, E. (2012). Literacy practices in late modernity. Hampton Press.

Conference papers:

  • Amdam, S. H. (2012). Nytt og nyttig - landsdekkande undersøking av Medier og kommunikasjon. Paper presented at the Landskonferansen for medielærere 2012, Bergen.
  • Amdam, S. H. (2012). Constructing the Media Teacher Combining literacy and professionalism in the creation of vocational media education. Det skjeve tårnet i PISA - Morgendagens skole. Paper presented at the NordLAC seminar: Rethinking identity and contexts for learning, Oslo.
  • Amdam, S. H. and Erstad, O. (2012). The Media Teacher: becoming that “Guide on the Side”. Constructing the Media Teacher. Historic Developments in Teacher Identities reflecting on Media literacy and Professionalism. Paper presented at the NordLAC-seminar: Participatory Pedagogy, Helsinki Cadiz. 
  • Amdam, S. H., Arnseth, H. C., Gilje, Ø. and Erstad, O. (2012). Constructing the Media Teacher. Historic Developments in Teacher Identities reflecting on Media literacy and Professionalism. Trajectories of learning lives: Continuities and discontinuities in lifelong learning across contexts. Paper presented at the The European Conference on Educational Research 2012, Cadiz.
  • Gilje, Ø. (2012). Constituing the Learner - Young Peoples´ Learning Trajectories in Social context. Paper presented at the Seminar, Berkeley. 
  • Roth, S. (2012). "Dialogical development of a learning Identity: Three Tamil - Norwegian girls' negotiating ethnicity and gender as 'funds of knowledge'". Paper presented at the "Researching agency in educational contexts: theories and methods", Cambridge.
  • Roth, S. (2012). 'To be cool or preferring not to be'. Paper presented at the "International Conforence on Education" ICE SAMOS 2012, Samos, Greece.
  • Vasbø, K. B. (2012). What kinds of processes of learning and identification are activated through participation in international youth exchange programs? Paper presented at the ECER Conference Cadiz 2012, Cadiz.
Publisert 18. feb. 2015 19:37 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2018 10:20