2016 | Mediate Publications

Journal Articles

  • Andersen, R., & Mørch, A.I. (2016). Mutual development in mass collaboration: Identifying interaction patterns in customer-initiated software product development. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 77-91. (link)

  • Cruaud, C. (2016). The playful frame: gamification in a French-as-a-foreign-language class. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. (link)

  • Dahl, J. E. (2016). Students’ Framing of a Reading Annotation Tool in the Context of Research-Based Teaching.Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 15(1).

  • Dahl, J. E. (2016). Supporting learning through epistemic scaffolds embedded in a highlighter tool. Seminar.net: International Journal of Media, Technology and Lifelong Learning.

  • Damsa, C., & Jornet, A. (2016). Revisiting learning in higher education: Framing notions redefined through an ecological perspective. Frontline Learning Research, 4, 39–47. (link​)

  • Engeness, I., & Edwards, A. (2016). The Complexity of Learning: Exploring the Interplay of Different Mediational Means in Group Learning with Digital Tools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-18. (link)

  • Engeness, Irina & Mørch, Anders. (2016). Developing writing skills in English using content-specific computer-generated feedback with EssayCritic. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 11(2), p.118–135. (link)

  • Hegna, Kristinn, & Smette, Ingrid. (2016). Parental Influence in Educational Decisions: Young People’s Perspectives. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1-14. (link)

  • Hetland, P. & Mørch, A.I. (2016). Ethnography for Investigating the Internet. Seminar.net: Media, technology and lifelong learning, 12(1), pp. 1- 14. (link)

  • Jornet, A., Roth, W.-M., and Krange, I. (2016). A transactional approach to transfer episodes. Journal of the Learning Sciences. (link)

  • Jornet, A., and Roth, W.-M. (2016). Perezhivanie: A monist concept for a monist theory. Mind, Culture, and Activity. (link)

  • Johannesen, M; Øgrim, L., and Smørdal, O (2016). Facebook as an actor - a case of students negotiating their social presence in an online course. Seminar.net : Media, technology and lifelong learning.  ISSN 1504-4831. 12(1). (link)

  • Mørch, A.I., Mifsud, L. & Engen, B.K. (2016). Problem-Based Learning in Synchronous Networked Environments: Comparing Adobe Connect and Second Life. Seminar.net: Media, technology and lifelong learning, 12(1), pp. 49- 65. (link)

  • Rasmussen, I., and Damşa, C. I. (2016). Heterochrony through moment-to-moment interaction: A micro-analytical exploration of learning as sense making with multiple resources. International Journal of Educational Research.

  • Rasmussen, I., and Lund, A. (2015). Læringsressurser og lærerrollen – et partnerskap i endring? Acta Didactica Norge, 9(1), Art. 18. 11/20. (link)

  • Roth, W.-M., and Jornet, A. (2016). Perezhivanie in the light of the later Vygotsky's Spinozist turn. Mind, Culture, and Activity. (link)

  • Tran, C., Smørdal, O. and Conley, AM. (2016) The Interaction between Design Features and Learners’ Goals: A Case Study of a Science Museum Game. ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s) Journal. 29. pp. 24-51. (link)

  • Smørdal, O; Liestøl, G & Erstad, O. (2016) Exploring situated knowledge building using mobile augmented reality. QWERTY - Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education 11(1).

Book Chapters

  • Aadland, K. (2016). The Performative Relation between Storyteller, Story, and Children. In O. Erstad, K. Kumpulainen, Å. Mäkitalo, K. Schrøder, P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and T. Johannsdottir (Eds), Learning across Contexts in the Knowledge Society, Chapter 4, pp. 61-84, Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers.

  • Barricelli, B.R., Fischer, G., Fogli, D., Mørch, A.I., Piccinno, A., & Valtolina, S. (2016). Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: From "Have to" to "Want to" Participate , In M. Fjeld & S. Bødker (Eds.),  Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI '16.  New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).  Article No. 128. (link)

  • Christidou, Dimitra (2016). A Lone Star or Part of a Constellation: Creating Synergies and Blurring Boundaries Across Formal and Informal Settings of Learning, In Anthony Montgomery & Ian Kehoe (ed.),  Reimagining the Purpose of Schools and Educational Organisations Developing Critical Thinking, Agency, Beliefs in Schools and Educational Organisations.  Springer.  ISBN 978-3-319-24697-0.  Chapter 19.

  • Mørch, A.I. (2016). End-user development and learning in Second Life: The “box” as multipurpose building block , In A. Blackwell; B. Plimmer & G. Stapleton (Eds.),  Proc. 2016 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). Washington, DC: IEEE Press, 208-212. (link)

  • Pierroux, P. and Steier, R. (2016). Making it Real: Transforming a University and Museum Research Collaboration into a Design Product. In V. Svihla & R. Reeve (Eds.), Design as Scholarship. Case Studies from the Learning Sciences, Chapter 9, pp. 115-129, London: Routledge.

  • Rasmussen, Ingvill (2016). Microblogging as Partner(s)in Teacher-Student Dialogues. A case Study in the Subject of History. Sense Publishers. In Eyvind Elstad (ed), Educational technology and polycontextual bridging. Sense Publishers. ISBN: 978-94-6300-643-9


  • Roth, W.-M., and Jornet, A. (2017). Understanding educational psychology. A late Vygotskian, Spinozist approach. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. (available as an ebook in 2016 - link)

Publisert 3. sep. 2018 10:20 - Sist endret 6. des. 2023 12:23