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Psykososiale vansker

Forskegruppen BESD har til hensikt å utvikle forskningsbasert kunnskap om et mangfold av psykososiale vansker, årsaker til vanskene og relevante tiltak, nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

Bildet kan inneholde: virveldyr, leketøy, pattedyr, tre, komfort.

Det er mange forskjellige aspekter ved psykososiale vansker. Forskergruppen BESD utforsker tema. (Illustrasjon: shutterstock.com)

About the research team

Psychosocial difficulties as a field of research have high relevance in today's society. Through both media and research, it emerges that children and young people are struggling with psychosocial difficulties, and that central community institutions such as schools, kindergartens, homes and various leisure venues strive in their approach to these children. 

The field of psychosocial difficulties includes difficulties related to behavioral behavior, introverted, withdrawn behavior, mental disorders and behavioral problems related to various neurological conditions. The problems can be expressed in the form of a lack of social skills, bullying and harassment, violence and abuse, anxiety and social withdrawal and general unrest in school and kindergarten. Common to children and adolescents who struggle with psychosocial difficulties is that the difficulties inhibit active and positive participation in society and impede integration into a developing and learning-promoting community.

The research group focuses on individual, collective, and systemic issues, in kindergarten, school and in society at large. The purpose is to develop research-based knowledge of different dimensions of psychosocial functioning in children, adolescents and adults. Various difficulties, causes, relevant measures and interventions will also be in focus.

Research activity

Publisert 26. sep. 2018 11:25 - Sist endret 12. mars 2024 10:23


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Image of Lisa-Christine Girard         Image of Francis Vergunst

Lisa Christine Girard          Francis Vergunst


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