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Co-creation in teacher education

The research group Teacher Professionalism and Educational Change (TEPEC) invites to a seminar on the concept of co-creation, both in the collaborative design of teaching practices and in research with Professor Catherine Bovill from the University of Edinburgh.

A group of young adults working in group

Photo illustration by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

By incorporating student perspectives and experiences in the planning stages of teaching, we can enhance engagement, empower students, and foster their agency which is important to model for future teachers. We will discuss the significance of co-creation in teacher education research and practice and questions such as: Why should educators actively pursue co-creation practices with students? What are the benefits and outcomes that can be achieved through this collaborative approach when it comes to students' learning? What potential obstacles may arise when implementing co-creation in teacher education research?  

Registration required  Link to registration

Publisert 8. mai 2024 16:40 - Sist endret 23. mai 2024 10:49