Extended abstract seminar (kappekurs) – generic course for PhD candidates

New dates set: February 16-17. The course is meant for PhD candidates who are finalizing their article-based dissertation.

About the course


Day 1: February 16th, 09:00-15:00

  • Welcome
  • The role and function of the extended abstract in an article-based dissertation
    Professor Rune Krumsvik (University of Bergen):
  • Short Q and A/ plenary discussion from previous session
  • Individual work on own extended abstract. Professors Rolf Vegar Olsen (CEMO) and Kristinn Hegna (IPED)available for questions.

Day 2: February 17th, 09:00-15:00

  • Experiences from writing the extended abstract by former PhD candidate Anja Amundrud at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.
  • Short Q and A/ plenary discussion from previous session
  • The extended abstract at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV): Criteria and examples. Professor Rolf Vegar Olsen (CEMO)
  • Short Q and A/ plenary discussion from previous session
  • Individual work on own extended abstract. Professors Rolf Vegar Olsen (CEMO) available for questions.


Priority will be given for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) in their last year, but other candidates at UV may apply too. If there are more applicants than places, priority will be given according to seniority. PhD candidates who are in their first or second year are not recommended this course. 

Register application by January 4th

Course content

The course is meant for PhD candidates at The Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) who are finalizing their article-based dissertation. The seminar will be a two-day workshop.

The aim is to develop a clear sense of the criteria for the extended abstract at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and to develop structure and content for your own extended abstract.

Learning outcome:

  • Develop an understanding of what is required from the extended abstract at the Faculty of Educational Sciences 
  • Acquire knowledge about different ways of writing an extended abstract that align with the criteria at the Faculty of Educational Sciences
  • Identify, apply, and critically reflect on how to write your own extended abstract 

Preparing for the seminar

Prior to the seminar you should have prepared a sketch for your extended abstract, including: A draft table of content, identify a possible overarching research question + drafts of an idea/general principles for a joint theoretical/conceptual framework that could work to synthesize the papers. Further, you should come to the seminar with a specific plan for text to work with in the "shut-up-and-write" sessions.


Published Oct. 31, 2022 3:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 3, 2023 2:53 PM