Conference: The subject renewal and decentralized competence development

How can we ensure the best ways to execute competence development in relation to research and practice? UiO's new unit FIKS invites you to conference at the University of Oslo on this subject on the 21st of September.

Some of the conference will be held in English and some in Norwegian



08.30 - 09.00 Registration and coffee/tea in the University of Oslo Library’s foyer.

09.00 - 09.30: Welcome speech in Auditorium 1 by Sten Ludvigsen and Øystein Gilje 

09.30 - 10.20: Professor Catherine Snow, Harvard University, US
"Research-practice partnerships: SERP"

10.20 - 10.40: Break with coffee/tea

10.40 - 11.30: Professor Neil Mercer, University of Cambridge, UK
"Classroom talk and children's oracy skills"

11.30 - 12.15: Lunch

12.15 - 13.45 Parallel workshops. All the workshops will be held in Norwegian
•    The significance of leaders support: Leadership a driving force for development by Jorunn Møller and Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen
•    Critical thinking and problem solving in Norwegian schools: Integrated, measurable and teachable? by Anders Kluge og Jan Dolonen
•    The art of giving learning promoting feedbacks by Marte Blikstad-Balas
•    Learning through visual representations of knowledge in natural science by Erik Knain og Anniken Furberg
•    Digital conversations in the classroom by Ingvill Rasmussen, Norun Margrethe Harvik og Siv Hanevold Kildal
•    Programming is more than just coding! by Cathrine Wahlstrøm Tellefsen og Knut Martin Mørken
•    The Natural Science Trail (Realfagsløyper) a tool for competence development by Merethe Frøyland og Aud Ragnhild Skår

14.00 - 15.00 Parallel sessions
John Q. Easton, Co-director, Spencer foundation, US
"Experiences with Research-Practice Partnerships from different perspectives"
Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups hus


Paul Warwick, Senior lecture, University of Cambridge, UK
"School development through research-practice partnerships: insights from a
UK Lesson Study project and from DiDiAC"
 Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus

15.00. Refreshments and mingling in the University of Oslo Library foyer.

International contributors

Catherine Snow 

SERP:  One model for research-practice partnerships
The Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP) has implemented one of several possible models for research-practice partnerships -- one that emphasizes  a) starting from urgent problems of practice, b) refining the definition of those problems collaboratively, and then c) building tools that carry the results of the research into the classroom.  The advantages and challenges of the SERP model, in comparison to alternatives that focus more on processing and communicating about data or building the practice partners' research capacity, will be discussed.

John Q Easton

John Q. Easton will discuss his experiences with Research-Practice Partnerships (RPPs) from the several different perspectives.  All of these have been informed by his hands-on work as a researcher with the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, a pioneer place-based RPP, where he played a variety of roles from the founding of the Consortium until his recent work as an affiliated researcher. Easton will also describe his role as a funder and advocate for RPPs at the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, where he served as director from 2009 to 2014, and at the Spencer Foundation from 2014 to 2018. His talk will include notable successes of RPPs as well as the challenges they face.

Paul Warwick

In developing curricular better matched to the development of C21st. skills, systems to promote progressive teacher learning and collaboration seem vital. This talk considers two projects that have involved teacher-researcher partnerships, providing insights into the mutually beneficial processes of collaboration across different educational institutions. Central to this work was
the development of a common understanding of dialogic pedagogy, and during the talk various strategies for developing dialogic teaching and learning, seen as central to the development of critical thinking amongst students, will be considered.

Neil Mercer

The research I have done with colleagues on classroom talk and the development of children’s oracy skills has involved working closely with practitioners in three ways. First, we have identified the most effective ways that teachers can use talk for teaching and guiding children’s development by observing and analyzing what some of the most successful teachers already do with talk in their classrooms. Second, we have designed interventions with teachers to try to improve the quality of classroom talk, and worked with teachers to test these out. And thirdly, we have disseminated the findings of our research to teachers through talks and workshops. I will describe some findings of this research and discuss the implications of this model of working for researchers, teachers and the improvement of classroom practice.

Published June 7, 2018 6:18 PM - Last modified May 6, 2022 11:00 AM