
Viser treff 1–7 av 7 for «role»

Language use and instruction across contexts (LANGUAGES) - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

these resources in language lessons in three countries. The project aims to spotlight the role that teaching plays in developing students’ ability to...

Representasjon og deltakelse i naturfag (REDE) - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

& Knain, Erik (2023). The role of teacher support in students’ engagement with representational construction. Cultural Studies of Science Education . ISSN...
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Siste publikasjoner - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Teachers’ Effect on Student Outcome (TESO) - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Inquiry has played a major role in the past and present science education reforms around the world. Despite a great number of studies leveraging TIMSS and...

Disputas: Viviana Daza - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

. However, challenges of limited context and role ambiguity hinder the third space’s emergence. The study underscored the role of digital tools in shaping...

ICCEP Multiplier event - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Address Rita Hvistendahl, Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo The role of schools and school leadership in supporting students with...

Disputas: Ilka Marie Luise Nagel - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

lives, school, and work (Jandrić et al., 2018). Teacher educators play a vital role in enabling future teachers to utilise the potential of digital...

educate-rapport-3-2024.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Lisbeth M. Brevik, Greta B. Gudmundsdottir, Peter N. Aashamar, Rebecca L. S. Barreng, Katherina Dodou, Gerard Doetjes, Kirsten M. Hartvigsen, Ove E. H