
Viser treff 1–19 av 19 for «ROSE»

ROSE: The Relevance of Science Education - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

ROSE: The Relevance of Science Education (avsluttet) ROSE: The Relevance of Science Education (avsluttet) ROSE-prosjektet er et internasjonalt...

Turkey - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

4204882-1229 fax: +90 232 4204895 National reports: Download report on how the survey was organised in Turkey Presentation og ROSE in Turkey (in Turkish...
Treff fra uio.no

Engasjer deg på Universitetet - Studentparlamentet,

Jeffrey B. Hall - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

, Jeffrey (2013). Skoleledelse, juss og legal styring. Hall, Jeffrey (2012). Taking off the rose tinted spectacles? Organizational Relationships through...

Jeffrey B. Hall - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

(2012). Taking off the rose tinted spectacles? Organizational Relationships through National Inspection; A Case Study in the U.K. Conference Paper, ECER...

STarting AGe and Extramural English: Learning English in and outside of school in Norway and Flanders (STAGE) - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Leuven ROSE (Research on Subject-specific Education), Karlstad University The Language Acquisition Seminar, Lund University The UFO seminar, Lund...

STartAlder og extramural enGElsk: Å lære engelsk i og utenfor skolen i Norge og Flandern (STAGE) - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Linguistics, Linnæus University Research group Language, Education, & Society, KU Leuven ROSE (Research on Subject-specific Education), Karlstad University The...

Partners ISSPP - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

I. Dereshiwsky Associate Member USA Northern Arizona University Rose Ylimaki Steering Group USA Northern Arizona University Michael Schwanenberger...

Pia Sundqvist - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Pia Sundqvist Pia Sundqvist Professor - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning English version of this page E-post pia.sundqvist@ils.uio.no Te

Pia Sundqvist - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Pia Sundqvist Pia Sundqvist Professor - Institutt for lærerutdanning Norwegian version of this page Email pia.sundqvist@ils.uio.no Phone + 47 22855045

Visual Vocal Application (VIVA) - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

-juristene og UiOs personvernombud. Det er også gjennomført en Risiko og Sikkerhets (ROS)-analyse og en omfattende vurdering av personvernkonsekvenser (Data...

Doris Jorde - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

). Technology-enchanced Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Four Approaches under Common Aspects. I Pintó, Roser & Couso, Digna (Red.), Contributions from Science...

Doris Jorde - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

for this article] (2007). Technology-enchanced Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Four Approaches under Common Aspects. In Pintó, Roser & Couso, Digna (Ed...

Virtual Innovation and Support Networks for Teachers (VALIANT) - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Universitetet i Oslo Robert O’Dowd (Primary Investigator), Universidad de León, Spania Begoña F. Gutiérrez, Universidad de León, Spania Ana Rosa Gago, Universidad...

Steering group - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen , Norway (Membership Secretary) David Gurr , Australia Rose Ylimaki , United States of America Jinping Sun, United States of...

The smell of spiced tea and بسكويت الزنجبيل in the winter - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

time ago, barak ruhaha, bless her soul.  We put two new baking trays into the oven. Heart and star shapes quickly rose in the hot air. The school kitchen...

Norske skoleelever trives i klasserommet, men de får for lite faglig støtte - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

som viktig, også har høyere fremgang på de nasjonale prøvene. – Det er selvsagt lov å gi elevene ros. Men de trenger også gode, konkrete

educate-rapport-3-2024.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Lisbeth M. Brevik, Greta B. Gudmundsdottir, Peter N. Aashamar, Rebecca L. S. Barreng, Katherina Dodou, Gerard Doetjes, Kirsten M. Hartvigsen, Ove E. H

gunnulfsen_skolelededagen2023.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

illustrasjoner Referanser Biesta, G. (2015). The duty to resist: Redefining the basics for today´ s schools. RoSE– Research on Steiner Education, 6. Fossestøl. K...

s04no02_l_000300-005653_syncfix.vtt - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

: Right? 00:11:47.000 --> 00:11:51.000 T: A bit like... Let's take poetry, which has become a cliché. 00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:55.000 T: Roses are red...