
Viser treff 1–20 av 145 for «ROSE»

Turkey - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

4204882-1229 fax: +90 232 4204895 National reports: Download report on how the survey was organised in Turkey Presentation og ROSE in Turkey (in Turkish...

Jeffrey B. Hall - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

(2012). Taking off the rose tinted spectacles? Organizational Relationships through National Inspection; A Case Study in the U.K. Conference Paper, ECER...
Treff fra uio.no

Nora Rose Serres – Universitetet i Oslo

ROSE: The Relevance of Science Education - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

ROSE: The Relevance of Science Education (completed) ROSE: The Relevance of Science Education (completed) ROSE is an international comparative...

STarting AGe and Extramural English: Learning English in and outside of school in Norway and Flanders (STAGE) - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Leuven ROSE (Research on Subject-specific Education), Karlstad University The Language Acquisition Seminar, Lund University The UFO seminar, Lund...

Partners ISSPP - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

I. Dereshiwsky Associate Member USA Northern Arizona University Rose Ylimaki Steering Group USA Northern Arizona University Michael Schwanenberger...

Pia Sundqvist - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Pia Sundqvist Pia Sundqvist Professor - Institutt for lærerutdanning Norwegian version of this page Email pia.sundqvist@ils.uio.no Phone + 47 22855045

Swaziland - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Swaziland Swaziland Francis Mavhunga University of Swaziland Faculty of Education P Bag 4, Kwaluseni Swaziland e-mail: tel: +268 518 4011 fax +268 518

Partners - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Partners The following coutries or areas have collected or will collect data for international comparisons: Australia France Lesotho South Africa Aust

UK - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

@education.leeds.ac.uk Questionnaire: Download English version of the ROSE questionnaire National reports and publications: Report on how the survey was organised in...

Slovenia - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

e-mail: slavko.dolinsek@guest.arnes.si homepage: www.fm-kp.si Questionnaire: Download Slovenian version of the ROSE questionnaire National reports...

Norway - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Norwegian version of the ROSE questionnaire National report: Download report on how the survey was organised in Norway Published Nov. 3, 2010 1:18 PM - Last...

Czech Republic - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

-mail: martin.bilek@uhk.cz Questionnaire: Download Czech version of the ROSE questionnaire National reports and publications: Download report on how the...

Poland - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Poland Ryszard M. Janiuk Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Department of Chemical Education, M.C. Sklodowska 3,20-031 Lublin, Poland e-mail: rmjaniuk

Sweden - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Sweden Anders Jidesjö Campus Valla, Tema-huset, E 218 Linköpings universitet 581 83 LINKÖPING e-mail: andji@tema.liu.se tel: +46-13-28 8902 Magnus Osc

Trinidad and Tobago - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Trinidad and Tobago June George School of Education University of the West Indies St. Augustine Trinidad West Indies e-mail: National report: Download

Zimbawe - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Zimbawe Francis Mavhunga University of Swaziland Faculty of Education P Bag 4, Kwaluseni Swaziland e-mail: fmavhunga2001@yahoo.com or fmavhunga@uniswa

Uganda - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Uganda Jane Mulemwa Education Service Commission Farmers' House Parliamnet Avenue PO Box 7196 Kampala UGANDA e-mail: Jane.Mulemwa@utl.co.ug or mulemwa...

Spain - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Spain Ángel Vázquez Dept. of Educational Sciences University of Balearic Islands Spain e-mail: angel.vazquez@uib.es or avazquez@dgadmedu.caib.es Natio

Russia - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Russia Sergey Bogdanov Physics and Math Faculty Karelian State Pedagogical University 185680 Petrozavodsk Russia e-mail: sbogdanov@onego.ru Irina Teve

Slovakia - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Slovakia Sona Bendikova e-mail: bendikova@server.infovek.sk Data is still not collected or coded. Published Nov. 3, 2010 1:31 PM - Last modified Mar.