
Viser treff 221–240 av 392 for «role»

Colliquium Day 2 Aud1 - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

specifically the steps between planning, entry, and data collection, as well as the role of the researcher as an individual experiencing and embodying, in a...

Colloquium Day 1 Aud 2 - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

students attending regular non-CLIL education. Paper #4: The role of Norwegian in CLIL instruction Jonas Bakken, University of Oslo, Norway This paper will...

Colloquium Day 1 Aud 2 - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

language acquisition theory, the role of the affective filter is emphasized – if a language learner feels anxious, the learning will not progress...

List of abstracts - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Connections between Language, Literacy and Learning. Rotterdam: Springer. The role of Norwegian in CLIL instruction Jonas Bakken This paper will discuss the...

Kognitive læringsutfordringer (CAS)-metoden kan hjelpe elever lære mer naturfag - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

endret 24. apr. 2020 13:28 Del på e-post Del på Facebook Del på Twitter Les artikkelen: I Know I Can, but Do I Have the Time? The Role of Teachers’ Self...

Cognitive activation strategies (CAS) can help students learn more science - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

modified Apr. 24, 2020 1:19 PM E-mail this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Read the article: I Know I Can, but Do I Have the Time? The Role of...

– Vi må diskutere hva vi vil med litteraturundervisningen i skolen - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Lodding, Blikstad-Balas, Marte og Tengberg, Michael: «The role of literature in the classroom» How and for what purposes do teachers in lower secondary...

iccep-multiplier-event.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Rita Hvistendahl, Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo The role of schools and school leadership in supporting students with...

norma_proceedings_221220.pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

kindergarten class – an empirical study based on 73 the tool CLASS Birgitte Henriksen Teachers’ talk about attainment grouping in mathematics: the role of fixed...

doetjes-brevik---barreng-(2022)-tilleggsrapport-evaluering-tospraklig-opplering_publ.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education. Routledge. Fallon, P. (2008). Life events; Their role in onset and relapse in...

doetjes-brevik---barreng-(2022)-tilleggsrapport-evaluering-tospraklig-opplering.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

. Fallon, P. (2008). Life events; Their role in onset and relapse in psychosis, research utilizing semi-structured interview methods. Journal of Psychiatry...

brevik---doetjes-mfl-(2020)-etos-rapport.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning i 2020 Lisbeth M Brevik og Gerard Doetjes Tospråklig opplæring på fagenes premisse

Popular summary of findings - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Training plays an important role in interpreting the duties and rights of school leaders. Results show that, in their work with the psycho-social environment...

Open lectures with Professor Geert Kelchtermans - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

acknowledge the role of both agency and structure. Furthermore his interest includes not only the technical or instrumental, but also the moral, emotional and...

tettere-pa¥-naturfag-i-klasserommet.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

_TETTERE PAA NATURFAG I KLASSEROMMET.indb ISBN 978-82-450-3843-9 www.fagbokforlaget.no Marianne Ødegaard er professor i naturfagdidaktikk ved Institut

sluttrapport-pilotprosjektet-uio.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning 1 2021 Pilotstudie om bruk av flerspråklige strategier og ressurser i opplæring fo

med-blikket-mot-naturfag-med-forside.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Med blikket mot naturfag Åpen tilgang MED BLIKKET MOT NATURFAG Hege Kaarstein og Trude Nilsen (red.) Nye analyser av TIMSS 2019-data og trender 2015–2

AndreasLund-avhandling[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

............................................................................................... 101 4.2.2. Ethnography ................................................................................................... 103 4.3. ROLE OF THE...

doktorgradsavhandling_Streitlien.Ase[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

make sense of what others say do about implementing their intentions construct their reality and their selves the role of researcher observer co...

AstridSinnesAvhandling[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

inequities in the world (!). But I do believe that science education holds a potential for playing an important role in the transformation of these inequities...