
Viser treff 241–260 av 392 for «role»

ole_bergem_pdf[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Microsoft Word - Kappa82.doc Individuelle versus kollektive arbeidsformer En drøfting av aktuelle utfordringer i matematikkundervisningen i grunnskole

Avhandling Ole Einar Torkildsen[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

groups ................................................................................... 234 12.3.3 Rule 3: The role of the teacher

schreiner_thesis[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

.............................................................................. 59 3.2.2 International comparisons ............................................................................... 61 3.3 The role of S&T in society...

HellekjaerAvhandling[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

GOH_thes.doc Glenn Ole Hellekjær The Acid Test: Does Upper Secondary EFL Instruction Effectively Prepare Norwegian Students for the Reading of English

thesis_Holmboe[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

classrooms. Special attention is given to some aspects of this learning process where language plays an important role. The first aspect studied, which was...

ottesen[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

university negotiate their roles as teacher educators, and how they conjointly contribute to the student teachers’ learning. Thus, there is a need for in-depth...

Rolf_Olsen_avhandling[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

errors, flaws, omissions and weak arguments that are still present, are entirely my own responsibility. First of all I would like to acknowledge the role...

trond_solhaug_120.dpi[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

avhandling demokratisk medborgerskapXP2004.doc 1 Utdanning til demokratisk medborgerskap Avhandling for graden dr. polit. Trond Solhaug Institutt for

Penne[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

dravh 1 Sylvi Penne Profesjonsfaget norsk i en endringstid Norsk på ungdomstrinnet. Å konstruere mening, selvforståelse og identitet gjennom språk og

AstridEggenAvhandling1[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

megaerrata.doc i Alfa and Omega in Student Assessment; Exploring Identities of Secondary School Science Teachers Astrid Birgitte Eggen Avhandling for

JonMagneVestolAvhandling[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

/Oslo, august 2004 Jon Magne Vestøl ABSTRACT This thesis presents the results of a research project focusing on the role of verbal tools in moral...

Gunn_Vedoy[1].pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

”En elev er en elev”, ”barn er barn” og ”folk er folk” Gunn Vedøy ”En elev er en elev”, ”barn er barn” og ”folk er folk” - Ledelse i flerkulturelle sk

nfbu21-abstracts-v191021.docx - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

role museums are considered to have as public pedagogical spaces. Teoretiske og metodologiske utgangspunkter Teaching and learning sustainable

abstracts-nordisk-forskningskonferanse-om-ba¦rekraft-i-utdanning-2021.docx - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

how we think of our human future as well as the contribution of education. We raise questions regarding the societal as well as personal role that...

Trude Nilsen - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

conference also play an important role. I also get ideas from research articles and books. Last, but not least, I am engaged in working across fields in order...

lissi_kortrapport.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Linking Instruction in Science & Student Impact LISSI-Rapport 2018-2020 TETT PÅ NATURFAG I KLASSEROMMET Forfattere Marianne Ødegaard, Marit Kjærnsli, ...

brevik---doetjes-(2020)-tospraklig-opplering-pa-fagenes-premisser.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning i 2020 Lisbeth M Brevik og Gerard Doetjes Tospråklig opplæring på fagenes premisse

eleprog-pdf.pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

working with foreign language literature play a role in promoting 21st century skills? Hoff Potentials for intercultural education in students' interactions...

poster-mirela-vinerean.pdf - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

are the invited to discuss, comment and give feed-back. The teachers’ role during this session is to overview the discussions and give feed-back. The...

avhandling-frones_2017.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

untitled Å lese og navigere på nettet En studie av elevers navigasjonsstrategier Tove Stjern Frønes Avhandling for graden ph.d. UNIVERSITETET I OSLO 2