
Viser treff 41–60 av 251 for «ROSE»

India - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

India India, Mumbai Contact: Sugra Chunawala Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) V.N. Purav Marg, A

Japan - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Japan Contact: Masakata Ogawa Faculty of Human Development Kobe University Kobe 657-8501 JAPAN e-mail: hak29300@rio.odn.ne.jp or ogawam@kobe-u.ac.jp t

Malawi - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Malawi Andrew Nchesi e-mail: anches@hotmail.com National report: We have data from Malawi, but there is no report available on how the survey was orga

Lesotho - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Lesotho Neo P. Liphoto The National University of Lesotho P.O. Roma 180 Maseru 100 Lesotho e-mail: np.liphoto@nul.ls National report: We have data fro

Austria - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Austria Doris Elster IPN der Universität Kiel Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften (Leibniz Institute for Science Education) Ols

Australia - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Australia Australia Debbie Corrigan Monash University Faculty of Education Clayton, 3168 Australia e-mail: debbie.corrigan@education.monash.edu.au tel

News - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

News ROSE report from Denmark Danish summary report of national data analysis in Denmark: Troelsen, Rie Popp og Sølberg, Jan (2008) Den danske ROSE...

Publications - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Publications Publications Sjøberg, Svein & Schreiner, Camilla (2010). The ROSE project. An overview and key findings . Sjøberg, Svein & Schreiner...

Events - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Seminarer - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Konferanser - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Brazil - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

: lcaldeira@hotmail.com Publications: Luiz Caldeira (2008) Os interesses e posturas de jovens alunos frente às ciências: resultados do projeto ROSE aplicado no...

Portugal - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Silva Praça Coronel Pacheco, 8 4050-453 Porto Portugal e-mail: aicsilva@letras.up.pt Questionnaire: Download the Portuguese version of the ROSE...

South Africa - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

South Africa South Africa, Western Cape Keith Langenhoven School of Science and Mathematics Education Faculty of Education University of Western Cape

Malaysia - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Malaysia Suan Yoong School of Educational Studies, University of Science Malaysia 11800 Penang Malaysia e-mail: cygnet@tm.net.my National report: Down

France - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

France Contact Lyon: Florence Le Hebel ENS LSH, UMR ICAR 15 Parvis René Descartes BP 700 69342 LYON cedex 07 FRANCE e-mail: florence.le-hebel@ens-lsh.

Greece - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Greece Vasilis Koulaidis University of Peloponnese Damaskinou & Kolokotroni str. 20100, Korinthos Greece e-mail: koulaidi@kee.gr or koulaidi@upatras.g...

Iceland - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Iceland Haukur Arason The Educational University of Iceland Stakkahlíð 105 Reykjavík Ísland e-mail: arason@khi tel: +354 563 3919 Kristján Ketill Stef

Botswana - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Botswana Prof. Cephas David Yandila University of Botswana Department of Mathematics and Science Education Private Bag 0022 Gaborone Botswana e-mail:

Netherlands - Department of Teacher Education and School Research

Netherlands Questionnaire: Download the Dutch version of the questionnaire. Published Nov. 3, 2010 1:15 PM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2010 1:17 PM E-mail