Open lectures with Professor Geert Kelchtermans

Professor Geert Kelchtermans, Center for Educational Policy, Innovation & Teacher Education, University of Leuven, Belgium, is visiting our Faculty October 26th-27th.

On behalf of NATED (National Graduate School in Educational Research) track 3, in cooperation with the three research groups at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, UiO: Curriculum Studies, Educational Leadership and Governance (CLEG), Teacher Professionalism and Educational Change (TEPEC) and Studies of Instruction across Subjects and Competences (SISCO), we are pleased to welcome to three open lectures with Professor Geert Kelchtermans at Helga Engs Hus:

  • October 26, at 09.15 - 11.30, the theme is: "Will teacher collaboration save the schools and educational quality? Towards a balanced answer"
  • October 26, at 12.30 - 14.45, the theme is: Unpacking the micropolitical dynamics in schools: power, influence, interests and literacy
  • October 27, at 09.15 - 11.30, the theme is: "Conceptualizing leadership practices: positions and processes, actions and feelings

About our Guest Professor:

Geert Kelchtermans studied philosophy and educational sciences at the KU Leuven, where he obtained a PhD in 1993 with a narrative-biographical study on teachers' professional development. He now works as a Full Professor at the same university, where he chairs the Center for Educational Policy, Innovation & Teacher Education. The central line in his research concerns understanding the complex relation and interactions of the individual educational professional ( for example teacher, principal, teacher educator, mentor), with his/her biography, on the one hand and the organisational and institutional working conditions, in which s/he has to enact his/her job, on the other. In conceptualizing and unravelling these practices and processes, he tries to combine theoretical frameworks that acknowledge the role of both agency and structure. Furthermore his interest includes not only the technical or instrumental, but also the moral, emotional and political dimension of teacher and school development. He serves on the board of several international research journals and has taken up guest professorships in Australia, Austria, Norway and Finland.

Published Oct. 7, 2015 12:30 PM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2015 12:30 PM