Guest researcher: Antoine Deschamps

Antoine Deschamps is a visiting researcher from the research chair in outdoor education (CRÉPA) at Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. He is investigating secondary school teachers’ outdoor teaching practices deployed to overcome the challenges of outdoor education. He is conducting his research under the supervision of Pr Kari Beate Remmen (UiO) and Pr Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet (UdS).

Antoine Deschampes
Antoine Deschamps (photo:École Vision St-Augustin).

Previously, he completed a bachelor’s degree in primary education and preschool education at Laval University. He then specialized in outdoor education by continuing his studies for a master’s in Outdoor Education at the University of Edinburgh

Published Sep. 1, 2023 10:02 AM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 8:38 AM