Become a guest

The Department of Teacher Education and School Research is happy to host guest researchers that are employed by a higher education institution and wish to do research with us.

Who is a guest researcher?

A guest researcher is defined as person who has been invited by the Department, for an academic purpose, to conduct research for a limited period. Guest researchers are not employed by or paid any salary by UiO. Guest researchers might stay with us from three weeks up to one year.

Applying to become a guest researcher

Please contact our coordinator who will be happy to help you.

We have established application guidelines at the Department, and our coordinator will help you through the process. It will be helpful for the coordinator if you can include some information about:

  • Whether or not you have already been in touch with a member of our academic staff
  • The proposed dates for your stay
  • A brief description of a research plan, indicating the specific fields of interest

Preparing for a stay

Good planning and timely preparations lay the foundation for a successful stay abroad. The University of Oslo's International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) offers an overview of important information about issues you need to take care of before and on arrival, while staying in Oslo, and at the end of your stay.


Published Aug. 30, 2023 11:19 AM - Last modified May 7, 2024 12:19 PM