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Breakfast seminar: Data anonymization

Join QualiFAIR hub for a breakfast seminar on data anonymization in qualitative research!

QualiFAIR hub invites all interested in data privacy, management and sharing for a breakfast seminar on data anonymization!

Place: University of Oslo, Blindern, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 1st floor, cafe Deiglig


portrait picture of Enrico Glerean

In this breakfast seminar, Enrico Glerean (Aalto University, the Finnish Reproducibility network) covers basic concepts and practical recipes on personal data anonymization, pseudonymization, and minimization from the perspective of ethics, law, and open science. The principal focus is on data collected for research purposes, and more specifically interviews (audio/visual and text) and questionnaires. A quick overview for more complex datasets (medical images, time-series) will also be given as well as few practical guidelines on how to proceed when anonymization is not possible.


The seminar is held in English. No streaming available. 

Participation is open to all interested upon registration. Light breakfast and coffee to all registered by 4 February. 

Sign up for a waiting list here

Contact information

QUALI-FAIR coordinator Agata Bochynska 

QUALI-FAIR leader Professor Kirsti Klette


Published Apr. 3, 2023 9:53 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2023 12:37 PM