Anniken Furberg

Image of Anniken Furberg
Norwegian version of this page
Phone +47 22844914
Room 319
Available hours By appointment
Visiting address Niels Henrik Abels hus Moltke Moes vei 35
Postal address Postboks 1099 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic Interests

  • Interdiciplinary teaching and learning
  • Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
  • Teachers' professional digital competence
  • Teaching in computer-rich settings
  • The significance of teacher-student interaction for students' learning processes
  • Analyses of classroom interaction
  • Technology supported inquiry learning in science education
  • Socio-cultural theory

Research activities

  • EVA2020: Research based evaluation of the Curriculum Renewal “Fagfornyelsen” funded by the Directorate of Education and Training (2019-2025).
  • REDE - Representasjon og deltakelse i naturfag (Representations and participation in science education) (2016-2019), funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project Representation and participation in school science (REDE) aims at developing research based teaching methods and resources that strengthen the development of functional literacy skills among teacher training students. It also aims to contribute to high quality in students’ learning processes in School. More information.

Completed projects

  • Ark&App (2014-2016), funded by The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training - The research project ARK&APP investigated the use of educational resources in the planning, conducting and evaluation of teaching in four school subjects; Mathematics, Natural science, English (as a foreign language) and Social science. More information.
  • Science Created by You (SCY) (2008-2012) - Funded by the 7th framework program in the European Commission with 12 partners from 7 European countries. The total funding is €6 million. SCY aims to take science education to the next level by developing a flexible, open-ended learning environment that engages and empowers adolescent learners. Within this learning environment -called SCY-Lab- students embark on authentic 'SCY missions' that can be completed through constructive and productive learning activities. More information.
  • Scientific Inquiry in Web-based Learning Environments (2004-2009). PhD-project, InterMedia/Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo
  • EduAction (2000-2004). Project leader. Funded by ITU and Telenor R&D
  • Ny teknologi - nye praksisformer (1999). Funded by ITU


  • Teacher Education:
      • Educational science seminars and lectures
        • Master's degree program: PROF3025
        • Teacher Education Program (PPU): PPU3210
    • Seminars in research methods, Master's degree program:
      • DIFO4001
      • DIFO4015
    • Supervision of Phd students within the area teaching and learning in computer-based settings; mentoring of newly qualified teachers.
    • PhD education:
      • UV9112 - Interaction Analysis: Methodological Perspectives on Learning and Communication

    Higher education and employment history


    • PhD (2010), University of Oslo. PhD thesis title: Scientific Inquiry in Web-based Learning Environments. Exploring technological, epistemic and Institutional aspects of students' meaning making
    • Cand Paed (1998), University of Oslo. Master thesis title: "Det tredje øyet" - En studie om ungdom, identitetsutvikling og refleksivitet i det senmoderne samfunn


    • Professor, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo (2019- ) 
    • Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo (2013 - 2019)
    • Post doctor, InterMedia/Department of Education, University of Oslo (2010 - 2013)
    • Researcher, Telenor R&D (2000 - 2010)
    • PhD student, InterMedia, University of Oslo (2004 - 2009)
    • Research assistant, Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo (1999)

    Visiting researcher

    • Visiting scholar, Gratuate School of Education, University California, Berkeley: The WISE-Group led by prof. Marcia Linn. (March-April 2016)
    • Visiting scholar, Gratuate School of Education, University California, Berkeley: The WISE-Group led by prof. Marcia Linn. (May-August 2014)
    • Visting fellow, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol (August 2006-January 2007)


      Member of editorial boards

      • International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative learning (ijCSCL)


      • Research group leader of TEPEC (2017-2018)
      • Board member, Department of Teacher education and School Research, UiO
      • Member of the Academic Council for Master's degree programme
      • Coordinator for Master's degree programme: PROF3025 and Teacher Education Programme (PPU): PPU3210 (2013-2016)
      • Member of The Appeals Committee at UiO (2014-2016)


      • 2nd prize winner of the Kaleidoscope European Starting Researcher in Technology Enhanced Learning award, 2007 The European Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope.
    Tags: Computer-based Collaborative Learning, Inquiry-based learning, Teaching in computer-based settings, Socio-cultural theory


    Scientific Articles

    Silseth, K. & Furberg, A. (2024). Bridging group work and whole-class activities through responsive teaching in science education. European Journal of Psychology of Education. ISSN 0256-2928. doi: 10.1007/s10212-023-00770-w.

    Ingulfsen, L., Furberg, A. & Knain, E. (2023). The role of teacher support in students’ engagement with representational construction. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 18, 1311–1341.

    Sjøberg, M., Furberg, A., & Knain, E. (2023). Undergraduate biology students' model-based reasoning in the laboratory: Exploring the role of drawings, talk, and gestures. Science Education, 107, 124– 148.

    Furberg, A. & Silseth, K. (2022). Invoking student resources in whole-class conversations in science education: A sociocultural perspective. Journal of the Learning Sciences31, 278-316, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2021.1954521

    Knain, E., Fredlund, T. & Furberg, A. (2021). Exploring Student Reasoning and Representation Construction in School Science Through the Lenses of Social Semiotics and Interaction Analysis. Research in science education10.1007/s11165-020-09975-1

    Lund, A., Furberg, A., & Gudmundsdottir, G. (2019). Expanding and Embedding Digital Literacies: Transformative Agency in Education. Media and Communication, 7(2).

    Ingulfsen, L., Furberg, A., & Strømme, T. Aa. (2018). Students’ engagement with real-time graphs in CSCL settings: scrutinizing the role of teacher support. International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, 13, 365-390.

    Furberg, A. & Silseth, K. (2018) Students’ everyday experiences as resources in whole-class conversations. In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences count. The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018. Vol. 2. Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

    Knain, E., Fredlund, T, Furberg, A., Mathiassen, K., Remmen, K. B., Ødegaard, M (2017) Representing to learn in science education: Theoretical framework and analytical approaches. Acta Didactica Norge/Norway, Vol. 11, issue 3.

    Furberg, A. (2016). Teacher support in computer-supported lab work: bridging the gap between lab experiments and students’ conceptual understanding. International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, 11, 89-113. DOI 10.1007/s11412-016-9229-3

    Strømme, Aa Torunn & Furberg, Anniken (2015). Exploring Teacher Intervention in the Intersection of Digital Resources, Peer Collaboration, and Instructional Design. Science Education. DOI 10.1002/sce.21181:

    Lund, Andreas; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Bakken, Jonas & Engelien, Kirsti Lyngvær (2014). What does professional digital competence mean in teacher education? . Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.  ISSN 1891-943X.  2014(4), s 281- 299

    Furberg, Anniken, Kluge, Anders & Ludvigsen, Sten (2013). Student sensemaking with diagrams in a computer-based setting. International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning. 8, s 41 - 64.

    Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2009). Socio-cultural aspects of prompting student reflection in Web-based inquiry learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 25(4), s 397- 409 . doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2009.00320.x

    Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2009). Reconsidering conceptual change from a socio-cultural perspective: analyzing students' meaning making in genetics in collaborative learning environments. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 4, s 157- 191 . doi: 10.1007/s11422-008-9161-6

    Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2009). The importance of socio-cultural context for understanding students' meaning making in the study of genetics. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 4, s 211- 219 . doi: 10.1007/s11422-008-9158-1

    Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2008). Students' Meaning-making of Socio-scientific Issues in Computer Mediated Settings: Exploring learning through interaction trajectories. International Journal of Science Education. 30(13), s 1775- 1799 . doi: 10.1080/09500690701543617

    Fjuk, Annita; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Geirbo, Hanne-Cecilie & Helmersen, Per (2008). New artifacts - new practices: Putting mobile literacies into focus. Digital kompetanse - Nordic journal of digital literacy. 3(1), s 21- 38

    Krange, Ingeborg; Larsen, Anniken; Fjuk, Annita; Ludvigsen, Sten (2002). Describing construction of knowledge through identification of collaboration patterns in 3D learning environments. In G. Stahl. Proceedings of CSCL 2002, Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN 0-8058-5099-6   

    Book Chapters in Scientific Anthologies

    Furberg, Anniken & Dolonen, Jan Arild (2016). Teacher support in technology-based science learning: Balancing procedural and conceptual support in students' learning processes. In Eyvind Elstad (ed), Educational technology and polycontextual bridging. Sense Publishers. ISBN: 978-94-6300-643-9. Chapter 5. pp. 83 - 106.

    Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Lund, Andreas (2016). En profesjonsfaglig digitalt kompetent lærer? Muligheter og utfordringer i teknologirike læringsomgivelser. In Rune J. Krumsvik (ed), Digital læring i skole og lærerutdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-1502049-5. Chapter 1. pp. 9 - 28

    Lund, Andreas; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Bakken, Jonas & Engelien, Kirsti Lyngvær (2015). Hva er profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse (PfDK) i lærerutdanningnen?  In Rindal, Ulrikke Elisabeth; Lund, Andreas & Jakhelln, Rachel Elise (eds) (2015). Veier til fremragende lærerutdanning. Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 978 - 82-15 - 025. Chapter 10. pp. 117-126.

    Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2012). Faktaorientering og forståelsesorientering i elevers bruk av nettbaserte læringsomgivelser, In Trond Eiliv Hauge & Andreas Lund (eds), Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen.. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-0236438-0. Chapter 2. s 23 - 57


    Furberg, A. (2010). Scientific Inquiry in Web-based Learning Environments. Exploring technological, epistemic and institutional aspects of students’ meaning making. Doctoral thesis at InterMedia, University of Oslo. Oslo: Unipub.

    Scientific reports

    Furberg, A., Rødnes, K. A., Silseth, K., Arnseth, H. A., Kvamme, O. A., Lund, A., Sæther, E., Vasbø, K., Ernstsen, S., Fundingsrud, M. W., Øistad, J. H., Slungård, K. (2023). Dette sier EVA2020: Fagfornyelsen i møte med klasseromspraksiser: Læreres planlegging og gjennomføring av undervisning om tverrfaglige tema. Temanotat: Oppsummering av sentrale funn i EVA2020 Rapport 6. Universitetet i Oslo. 

    Furberg, A., Rødnes, K. A., Silseth, K., Arnseth, H. A., Kvamme, O. A., Lund, A., Sæther, E., Vasbø, K., Ernstsen, S., Fundingsrud, M. W., Øistad, J. H., Slungård, K. (2023). Fagfornyelsen i møte med klasseromspraksiser: Læreres planlegging og gjennomføring av undervisning om tverrfaglige tema. Universitetet i Oslo (ISBN 978-82-93847-11-3).

    Gilje, Øystein; Ingulfsen, Line; Dolonen, Jan A.; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Kluge, Anders; Knain, Erik; Mørch, Anders Irving; Naalsund, Margrethe & Skarpaas, Kaja Granum (2016). Med ARK&APP. Bruk av læremidler og ressurser for læring på tvers av arbeidsformer.

    Furberg, A., Dolonen, J. & Ingulfsen, L. (2015). Lærerrollen i teknologitette klasserom. En casestudie i prosjektet Ark&App, naturfag 5. klasse. Report No. 11. ARK&APP.

    Furberg, A., Dolonen, J.A., Engeness, I., & Jessen, S. (2014). Læremidler og arbeidsformer i naturfag i ungdomsskolen. En casestudie i prosjektet Ark&App, naturfag 10. klasse. Rapport nr 5. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo og Utdanningsdirektoratet.

    Kluge, Anders; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Strømme Aanesland, Torunn; Zacharia, Zacharias; Xenofontos, Nikoletta; Tsivitanidou, Olia; Manoli, Constantinos; Hovardas, Anastasios; Kanellidou, Mamina; Theocharous, Michalis; Nicolaou, Helena; Wasson, Barbara; Vold, Vibeke; van Dijk, Alieke; Lazonder, Ard; Heerink, Jony; Piksööt, Jaanika; Sarapuu, Tago; Runnel, Maria; d'Ham, Cédric; Girault, Isabelle; Wajeman, Claire; Michel, Philippe; Julien, Rachel; Saavedra, Reinaldo; marzin, Patricia.(2012). SCY Summative evaluation report DIX.4. University of Twente: European Commission (SCY - Project number IST-212814) 2012 229 s.
    UiB UiO UNI Untitled

    Kluge, Anders; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Zacharias, Zacharia; Xenofontos, Nikoletta; Tsivitanidou, Olia; Manoli, Constantinos; Hovardas, Anastasios; Kanellidou, Mamina; Theocharous, Michalis; van Dijk, Alieke; Lazonder, Ard; Geraedts, Caspar; Heerink, Jony; Piksööt, Jaanika; Sarapuu, Tago; Puusepp, Arle. (2011). SCY second formative evaluation report. University of Twente: European Commission (SCY - Project number IST-212814) 2011 289 s.
    UiO Untitled

    Kluge, Anders; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Norenes, Svein Olav; Vold, Vibeke; Wasson, Barbara; Zacharia, Zacharias; Xenofontos, Nikoletta; Tsivitanidou, Olia; Manoli, Constantinos; Hovardas, Anastasios; Andreou, Stephanie; Lazonder, Ard; Weinberger, Armin; Geraedts, Caspar; Rinket, Marieke; Matteman, Yuri; marzin, Patricia; Julien, Rachel; Girault, Isabelle; d'Ham, Cédric; Bodin, Marjolaine; Wajeman, Claire; Piksööt, Jaanika; Sarapuu, Tago; Zinakov, Maksim; Puusepp, Arle; de Jong, Ton, (2010). SCY first formative evaluation report. University of Twente: European Commission (SCY - Project number IST-212814) 2010 129 s.
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    Furberg, A.L. & Berge, O. (Eds) (2003). Collaborative Learning in Networked 3D Environments. (No. 13). Oslo: Unipub.

    Furberg, A.L & Berge, O. (2002): Exploring the potential of handheld devices in learning situations. In: Lundby, K (ed) (2002): KNOWMOBILE - Knowledge access in distributed training. Mobile opportunities for medical students. InterMedia report 5. InterMedia:Universitetet i Oslo.

    Furberg, A.L., Berge, O., Lundby, K., & Smørdal, O. (2002): KNOWMOBILE- Exploring the potential of handheld devices in learning situations. Telenor R&D report R26/2002.

    Larsen, A. & S. Ludvigsen. (2000). ”Bruk av IKT i prosjektarbeid – et utgangspunkt for produktive læringsprosesser?” [The use of ICT in project work – a starting point for productive learning processes?] In S. Ludvigsen & S. Østerud (red). Ny teknologi - nye praksisformer - Teoretiske og empiriske analyser av IKT i bruk. (No. 8). Oslo: Unipub.

    Ludvigsen, Sten; Østerud, Svein; Larsen, A. & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2000). Ny teknologi - nye praksisformer: innledning, I: Sten Ludvigsen & Svein Østerud (red.),  Ny teknologi - nye praksisformer..  ITU, Unipub forlag, Oslo.  ISBN 82-7947-008-5.  s 9 - 20.

    Østerud, S, Larsen A. & Erstad, O. (1999). Når ideer flyter sammen… [When ideas merge]. (No. 3). Oslo: Unipub.


    Conference contributions


    Furberg, A., Lantz-Andersson, A., Silseth, K., Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2016). Instructional Challenges in supporting students' conceptual reflections and discursive identities. Symposium at the Earli SIG 10 Meeting, Tartu, Estonia. August 28-29, 2016

    Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. & Furberg, A. (2015). Pre-service Teacher Education towards the 21st century. Symposium at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus.

    Arnseth, H.C., Furberg, A., & Rasmussen, I. (2015). The Dialogic Construction of Knowledge in Science Education: Cultural Resources and Topical Orientation in Interaction. Special event session at the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference 2015. Gothenburg, Sweden.

    Jahnke, I., Cerratto-Pargman, T., Furberg, A., Järvelä, S., & Wasson, B. (2015). #TMCL15 – Changing Teaching and Learning Practices in Schools with Tablet-Mediated Collaborative Learning: Nordic, European and International Views. Symposium at the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference 2015. Gothenburg, Sweden.

    Furberg, A. & Rasmussen, I. (2013). "Facilitation of students' Learning processes in computer-supported Learning activities". The 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).


    Furberg, A. & Silseth, K. (2021). Student resources as mediational means in school science conversations. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23rd-27th, 2021

    Furberg, A., Silseth, K., Lund, A. .... et al., (2021). Exploring learning and teaching in interdisciplinary educational designs for future citizens. Roundtable paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23rd-27th, 2021

    Sjøberg, M., Knain, E., & Furberg, A. (2021). Students’ Model-based Reasoning in Immunology: The Role of Drawings, Gestures and Material Artefacts. Paper presented at , 14th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Braga, Portugal, August 30th to September 3rd, 2021

    Ingulfsen, L., Furberg, A., & Knain, E. (2019). Sensemaking at the intersection of authoritative and student-generated representations. Paper presented at , 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA). Bolognia, Italy, August 26th-30th, 2019

    Silseth, K., & Furberg, A. (2019). Interactive whiteboard activities as means for facilitating productive whole-class conversations. Paper submitted to the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Aachen, Germany, August 12th-16th, 2019.

    Furberg, A., & Silseth, K. (2018) Students’ everyday experiences as resources in whole-class conversations. Paper presentation at the 13th International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS). London, UK, June 23rd-27th, 2018.

    Fredlund, T., Knain, E. & Furberg, A. (2018) Using representations to learn about the greenhouse effect. Paper presentation at NARST 2018 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. March 10th-13th, 2018.

    Strømme T. Aa., Furberg, A., Knain, E., & Ingulfsen, L. (2018) Engaging with representations in school science. Paper presentation at NARST Annual Meeting Atlanta, Georgia. March 10th-13th, 2018.

    Strømme T. Aa., Furberg, A., Knain, E., & Ingulfsen, L. (2018) Students' engagement with representations in Science. Paper presentation, Open seminar, ILS, University of Oslo. May 31st, 2018.

    Furberg, A. & Silseth, K. (2017) Exploring whole-class dialogues in school science settings: A socio-cultural approach to teacher-student interactions. Paper presentation at the 17th Biennal EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland. August 29th – September 2nd, 2017.

    Fredlund, T., Knain, E., & Furberg, A., (2017) Teaching science using underdetermined representations: Illustration and implications. Paper presentation at Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN), Trondheim, Norway. June 7th-6th, 2017.

    Fredlund, T., Knain, E., & Furberg, A. (2017) The transition from naturalistic to theoretical representations of the greenhouse effect. Paper presentation at ESERA, Dublin, Ireland. August 21st-25th, 2017.

    Ingulfsen, L. & Furberg, A. (2017) Supporting students' conceptual sense-making with multimodal representations in science learning. Paper presentation at the 17th Biennal EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland. August 29th – September 2nd, 2017.

    Knain, E., Fredlund, T., & Furberg, A. (2017) Making the invisible visible across modes and representations. Paper presentation at Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education, Trondheim, Norway. June 7th-9th, 2017.

    Furberg, A. (2016). Teacher support in computer-supported lab work: Bridging the gap between lab experiments and students’ conceptual understanding. Paper presentation at Earli SIG 10 Meeting, Tartu, Estonia. August 28-29, 2016

    Arnseth, H.C., Furberg, A., Krange, I., Ludvigsen, S., & Strømme, Aa. (2015). Middle-School Students’ Sense Making of Dynamic Visualizations in Science: Private versus Public Collaboration Tools for Building Scientific Explanations. Paper presentation at the ESERA conference 2015. Helsinki, Finland.

    Furberg, A. & Lund, A. (2015). Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education: A Conceptual Framework and Design Model. Paper presentation at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.

    Furberg, A. & Dolonen, J. (2015). Teaching practices with tablets in primary school: a case study in science education. Paper presentation at the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference 2015. Gothenburg, Sweden.

    Furberg, Anniken (2013). Exploring conceptually-oriented student-teacher interaction in the setting of computer-supported inquiry Learning. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).. The 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).

    Furberg, Anniken & Kluge, Anders (2013). Exploring computer-environments as support for students’ reflection on lab-Experiments. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).

    Furberg, Anniken (2013). Moving together With the European School Academy: Research says... Teaching and learning in technology rich classroom settings - implications for teachers’ professional digital competence. Paper presented at The Eminent Conference 2013.

    Furberg, Anniken, Kluge, Anders, & Ludvigsen, Sten (2011). Learning with multiple representations in computer-based inquiry environments. Invited paper presentation within the Earli SIG symposium “Collaboration of learners in technologically enhanced inquiry learning environments” at the 14th Earli conference, Exeter, UK, 2011.

    Furberg, Anniken & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2011). From ‘fact-orientation’ to ‘explanation-orientation’: Teacher intervention in Web-based learning environments. Paper presented at the ISCAR conference, Rome, Italy 2011.

    Furberg, Anniken, Kluge, Anders & Ludvigsen, Sten (2011). Representations as discursive resources in scientific inquiry in computer-based settings. Invited paper presentation at the conference “New tools and practices for seeing and learning in medicine”. Organizers: University of Turku and the Network of Excellence NORDLEARN, Turku, Finland June, 2011.

    Furberg, Anniken, Kluge, Anders & Ludvigsen, Sten (2011). Representations as discursive resources in CSCL settings. Invited and funded paper presentation at the Stellar Alpine Rendez-vous, La Clusaz, France, March, 2011.

    Furberg, Anniken (2007). Students’ Meaning Making of Socioscientific issues in computer mediated settings: Exploring learning through interaction trajectories. Paper presentation at the Awards Ceremony at the Kaleidoscope Symposium in Berlin, November 2007.

    Furberg, Anniken & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). ‘I am right and you are wrong’. Analysing the management of disagreement and conflict in collaborative learning. Paper presentation at The 12th Earli conference Budapest, Hungary. August 2007.

    Furberg, Anniken & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). Analysing management of disagreement and conflict in students’ collaborative learning. Individual paper session at the Forth Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR 2007) June 2007.

    Furberg, Anniken & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). Analysing students’ disagreements. Paper presentation at the Kaleidoscope CSCL Alpine Rendez-vous, Villars, January 2007.

    Furberg, Anniken & Ludvigsen, Sten (2004). Students’ categorization in institutional talk. The tension between everyday and institutional categories in computer environments. Paper presentation at the International Conference Professional Learning in a changing society. Institute of Educational Research, University of Oslo, November 25-27, 2004.

    Furberg, Anniken & Ludvigsen, Sten (2004). Students’ categorization in institutional talk. The tension between everyday and institutional categories in computer environments. Individual paper session at the 3rd Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research. Copenhagen, Denmark. September 3-5, 2004.

    Poster presentations

    Ingulfsen, Line & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). Teachers’ orchestration of resources to support students’ conceptual sense-making in computer-supported science learning. Earli SIG 10 Meeting, Tartu, Estonia. August 28-29, 2016

    Strømme, Torunn Aanesland & Furberg, Anniken (2015). Exploring teacher intervention in the intersection of digital resources, peer collaboration and instructional design. Poster presentation at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.

    • Silseth, Kenneth & Furberg, Anniken (2023). Bridging group work and whole-class activities through responsive teaching in science education. European Journal of Psychology of Education. ISSN 0256-2928. doi: 10.1007/s10212-023-00770-w. Full text in Research Archive
    • Ingulfsen, Line; Furberg, Anniken & Knain, Erik (2023). The role of teacher support in students’ engagement with representational construction. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. p. 1311–1341. doi: 10.1007/s11422-023-10193-0.
    • Sjøberg, Mari Heum; Furberg, Anniken & Knain, Erik (2022). Undergraduate biology students' model-based reasoning in the laboratory: Exploring the role of drawings, talk, and gestures. Science Education. ISSN 0036-8326. doi: 10.1002/sce.21765. Full text in Research Archive
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Silseth, Kenneth (2022). Invoking student resources in whole-class conversations in science education: A sociocultural perspective. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. ISSN 1050-8406. doi: 10.1080/10508406.2021.1954521. Full text in Research Archive
    • Knain, Erik; Fredlund, Tobias & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2021). Exploring Student Reasoning and Representation Construction in School Science Through the Lenses of Social Semiotics and Interaction Analysis. Research in Science Education. ISSN 0157-244X. 51(1), p. 93–111. doi: 10.1007/s11165-020-09975-1. Full text in Research Archive
    • Lund, Andreas; Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2019). Expanding and Embedding Digital Literacies: Transformative Agency in Education. Media and Communication. ISSN 2183-2439. 7(2), p. 47–58. doi: 10.17645/mac.v7i2.1880. Full text in Research Archive
    • Ingulfsen, Line; Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Strømme Aanesland, Torunn (2018). Students’ engagement with real-time graphs in CSCL settings: scrutinizing the role of teacher support. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ISSN 1556-1607. 13(4), p. 365–390. doi: 10.1007/s11412-018-9290-1. Full text in Research Archive
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Silseth, Kenneth (2018). Students’ everyday experiences as resources in whole-class conversations. Proceedings (International Conference of the Learning Sciences). ISSN 1814-9316. 2(2018-), p. 989–992.
    • Knain, Erik; Fredlund, Tobias; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Mathiassen, Ketil; Remmen, Kari Beate & Ødegaard, Marianne (2017). Representing to learn in science education: Theoretical framework and analytical approaches. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922. 11(3). doi: 10.5617/adno.4722. Full text in Research Archive
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Dolonen, Jan Arild (2016). Teacher support in technology-based science learning: Balancing procedural and conceptual support in students' learning processes. In Elstad, Eyvind (Eds.), Educational Technology and Polycontextual Bridging. Brill|Sense. ISSN 978-94-6300-643-9. p. 83–106. doi: 10.1007/978-94-6300-645-3_5.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). Teacher support in computer-supported lab work: bridging the gap between lab experiments and students’ conceptual understanding. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ISSN 1556-1607. 11(1), p. 89–113. doi: 10.1007/s11412-016-9229-3. Full text in Research Archive
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Lund, Andreas (2016). En profesjonsfaglig digitalt kompetent lærer? Muligheter og utfordringer i teknologirike læringsomgivelser. In Krumsvik, Rune Johan (Eds.), Digital læring i skole og lærerutdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215020495. p. 26–48.
    • Engeness, Irina & Furberg, Anniken (2015). Exploring the interplay of various support forms in CSCL settings. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series (CSCL). ISSN 1573-4552. 2, p. 659–660.
    • Lund, Andreas; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Bakken, Jonas & Engelien, Kirsti Lyngvær (2015). Hva er profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse (PfDK) i lærerutdanningen? In Rindal, Ulrikke Elisabeth; Lund, Andreas & Jakhelln, Rachel Elise (Ed.), Veier til fremragende lærerutdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978 - 82-15 - 025. p. 117–126.
    • Strømme Aanesland, Torunn & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2015). Exploring Teacher Intervention in the Intersection of Digital Resources, Peer Collaboration, and Instructional Design. Science Education. ISSN 0036-8326. 99(5), p. 837–862. doi: 10.1002/sce.21181. Full text in Research Archive
    • Lund, Andreas; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Bakken, Jonas & Engelien, Kirsti Lyngvær (2014). What does professional digital competence mean in teacher education? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN 1891-943X. 2014(4), p. 281–299.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Kluge, Anders & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2013). Student sensemaking with science diagrams in a computer-based setting. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ISSN 1556-1607. 8(1), p. 41–64. doi: 10.1007/s11412-013-9165-4.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2012). Faktaorientering og forståelsesorientering i elevers bruk av nettbaserte læringsomgivelser. In Hauge, Trond Eiliv & Lund, Andreas (Ed.), Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-0236438-0. p. 23–57.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2009). Reconsidering conceptual change from a socio-cultural perspective: analyzing students' meaning making in genetics in collaborative learning environments. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. 4, p. 157–191. doi: 10.1007/s11422-008-9161-6.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2009). The importance of socio-cultural context for understanding students' meaning making in the study of genetics. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. 4, p. 211–219. doi: 10.1007/s11422-008-9158-1.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2009). Socio-cultural aspects of prompting student reflection in Web-based inquiry learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL). ISSN 0266-4909. 25(4), p. 397–409. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2009.00320.x.
    • Fjuk, Annita; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Geirbo, Hanne-Cecilie & Helmersen, Per (2008). New artifacts - new practices: Putting mobile literacies into focus. Digital kompetanse. ISSN 0809-6724. 3(1), p. 21–38.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2008). Students' Meaning-making of Socio-scientific Issues in Computer Mediated Settings: Exploring learning through interaction trajectories. International Journal of Science Education. ISSN 0950-0693. 30(13), p. 1775–1799. doi: 10.1080/09500690701543617.
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Fjuk, Annita & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2002). Describing construction of knowledge through identification of collaboration patterns in 3D learning environments. In Stahl, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of CSCL 2002, Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISSN 0-8058-5099-6. p. 82–91.

    View all works in Cristin

    • Furberg, Anniken & Silseth, Kenneth (2023). Læreres undervisning om tverrfaglige tema - erfaringer fra en klasseromsstudie. Bedre Skole. ISSN 0802-183X.
    • Ernstsen, Sigrid; Furberg, Anniken & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2022). Enriching wellbeing competencies by bridging students’ personal experiences with canonical resources in collaborative interdisciplinary settings.
    • Fundingsrud, Marthe Wiseth; Silseth, Kenneth & Furberg, Anniken (2022). Teachers' orientation to students' personal experiences in an instructional design about life skills and well-being.
    • Furberg, Anniken & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2022). The role of students’ personal experiences in a collaborative interdisciplinary project about well-being.
    • Silseth, Kenneth & Furberg, Anniken (2022). Bridging group work and whole-class activities through responsive teaching.
    • Furberg, Anniken & Silseth, Kenneth (2021). Invoking student resources in whole-class conversations in science education.
    • Sjøberg, Mari; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2021). Students’ Model-based Reasoning in Immunology: The Role of Drawings, Gestures and Material Artefacts. .
    • Silseth, Kenneth & Furberg, Anniken (2019). Interactive whiteboard activities as means for facilitating productive whole-class conversations.
    • Ingulfsen, Line; Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Knain, Erik (2019). Sensemaking at the intersection of authorized and student-generated representations. Nordic Research Symposium on Dialogical Perspectives in Science Education .
    • Strømme Aanesland, Torunn; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Knain, Erik & Ingulfsen, Line (2018). Students' engagement with representations in Science.
    • Strømme Aanesland, Torunn; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Knain, Erik & Ingulfsen, Line (2018). Engaging with representations in school science .
    • Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2018). Læring gjennom visuelle kunnskapsrepresentasjoner i naturfag.
    • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2018). Using representations to learn about the greenhouse effect.
    • Furberg, Anniken & Silseth, Kenneth (2017). “So, what do you know about genetics?” - A dialogic approach to consolidating activities in an inquiry-based learning project in science.
    • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). The transition from naturalistic to theoretical representations of the greenhouse effect .
    • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Teaching science using underdetermined representations: Illustration and implications .
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Teaching in technology rich settings - Scrutinizing teacher-student interaction in dialogic classroom settings.
    • Knain, Erik; Fredlund, Tobias & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Making the invisible visible across modes and representations.
    • Ingulfsen, Line & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Supporting students' conceptual sense-making with multimodal representations in science learning.
    • Ødegaard, Marianne & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). Representations and Participation in Science Education.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). REDE – Representasjon og deltakelse i naturfag.
    • Ingulfsen, Line & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). Teachers’ orchestration of resources to support students’ conceptual sense-making in computer-supported science learning.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Lund, Andreas (2015). Professional digital competence in teacher education: A conceptual framework and design model.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Dolonen, Jan Arild (2015). Teaching practices with tablets in primary school: A case study in science education.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2014). Innlegg om IKT og læring, Kulturnytt NRK P2 - 16.01.2014. [Radio]. NRK P2.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2013). Exploring conceptually-oriented student-teacher interaction in the setting of computer-supported inquiry Learning.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2013). Classroom practices and teacher roles. Lecture at the PhD course What does Professional Learning mean for Teachers and teacher educators. Organized by Andreas Lund and Anniken Furberg, ILS - University of Oslo.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2013). Tapping into classroom practices through accounts. Lecture at the PhD course Interaction Analysis. Organizors: NATED Track 2, Department of Education and Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2013). Teaching and learning in technology rich classroom settings - implications for teachers’ professional digital competence.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Kluge, Anders (2013). Exploring computer-environments as support for students’ reflection on lab-Experiments. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2013). Exploring conceptually-oriented student-teacher interaction in the setting of computer-supported inquiry Learning. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2013). Symposium organizers of the symposium "Facilitation of students' Learning processes in computer-supported Learning activities". The 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2011). Representations as discursive resources in CSCL settings.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2011). Representations as discursive resources in scientific inquiry in computer-based settings.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Ingvill, Rasmussen (2011). From ‘fact-orientation’ to ‘explanation-orientation’: Teacher intervention in Web-based learning environments.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2011). Learning with multiple representations in computer-based inquiry environments.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2011). Designer miljøhus. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Kluge, Anders (2011). Elever løser gamle krimgåter. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2008). Learning and ICT in Science Education.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2007). Students' Meaning-making of Socio.scientific Issues in Computer mediated Settings: Exploring learning through interaction trajectories.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2007). Analysing students' interaction in web-based learning environments.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). "I am right and you are wrong" Analysing the management of disagreements and conflict in collaborative learning.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). Analysing students' interaction in science education.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). Analysing management of disagreement and conflict in students' collaborative learning.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2007). Analysing students' disagreements.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2007). Learning and ICT in Science Education.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2005). Making meaning of genetics in netbased environments. Students argumentation in an institutional perspective.
    • Furberg, Anniken; Rødnes, Kari Anne; Silseth, Kenneth; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Kvamme, Ole Andreas & Lund, Andreas [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2023). Fagfornyelsen i møte med klasseromspraksiser: Læreres planlegging og gjennomføring av undervisning om tverrfaglige tema. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 978-82-93847-11-3. Full text in Research Archive
    • Gilje, Øystein; Ingulfsen, Line; Dolonen, Jan A.; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Rasmussen, Ingvill & Kluge, Anders [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2016). Med ARK&APP. Bruk av læremidler og ressurser for læring på tvers av arbeidsformer. Universitetet i Oslo.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Dolonen, Jan Arild & Ingulfsen, Line (2015). Lærerrollen i teknologitette klasserom - En casestudie i prosjektet ARK&APP, naturfag, 5. klasse. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 978-82-569-7022-3.
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Engeness, Irina & Jessen, Stian (2014). Læremidler og arbeidsformer i naturfag i ungdomsskolen. En casestudie i prosjektet ARK&APP, naturfag, 10. klasse. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 978-82-569-7008-7.
    • Kluge, Anders; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Strømme Aanesland, Torunn & Zacharia, Zacharias [Show all 28 contributors for this article] (2012). SCY Summative evaluation report DIX.4. European Commission (SCY - Project number IST-212814).
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2011). SCY-mission 4. DVIII.3. Project number IST-212814. European Commission. Project number IST-212814. European Commission..
    • Kluge, Anders; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Zacharias, Zacharia & Xenofontos, Nikoletta [Show all 18 contributors for this article] (2011). SCY second formative evaluation report. European Commission (SCY - Project number IST-212814).
    • Kluge, Anders; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Dolonen, Jan Arild; Norenes, Svein Olav & Vold, Vibeke [Show all 29 contributors for this article] (2010). SCY first formative evaluation report. European Commission (SCY - Project number IST-212814).
    • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2010). Scientific Inquiry in Web-based Learning Environments. Exploring technological, epistemic and institutional aspects of students' meaning making. Unipub forlag.

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    Published Mar. 1, 2013 8:39 AM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2024 9:34 AM