Program for Teacher Education, Technology and Change (PLUTO) (completed)


PLUTO-ILS was a large scale technology reform project of teacher education at the Departement of Teacher Education and School Research (ILS).The main components of the change process were based on the use of ICT, Portfolio Assessment, Case Methods (pedagogy) and School-University Partnership.


The overall objective: To develop a problem-oriented and practice-based teacher education by use of ICT as an integrated tool for learning and organisation. This should involve student teachers, teacher educators and collaborative partners in school.


Period of development work: 2000-2004. Research still going on, cf. PhD work by Britt Oda Fosse, Cecilie Flo Jahreie. See also Hauge, Lund & Vestøl (2007) in the publication list and other publications.


The reform project was part of a national development program (PLUTO) led by ITU (Network for IT-research and competence in education). Sten Ludvigsen, Intermedia, was a member of the project steering board at ILS.

Related projects

National projects

  • Portfolio assessment (Alternative vurderingsformer) described in Dysthe, O. & Engelsen, K.S. (red). Mapper som pedagogisk redskap. Perspektiver og erfaringer. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag

Spin-off projects at ILS

  • Staff competency development in four partnership schools (Innsikt I) 2003-04. Funded by Oslo kommune
  • Pilot ICT-modelling of teaching 2002-03 (fifteen partnership schools). Funded by Kunnskapsdepartementet
  • Pilot modelling of digital portfolio solutions 2002-03 (part of the national portfolio assessment project)

Spin-off projects at Intermedia

  • DLC Digital learning resources for teacher education. Funded by Flexible learning, UiO
  • Dilemma Interactive application for collaborative reflections on teacher roles and project work in school. Funded by ITU
  • FORLIKT Research mediation applications of ICT and learning. Funded by UiO


Published Dec. 3, 2010 12:52 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 9:43 AM


Detailed list of participants