School leadership in digital environments (completed)

A project about school leadership and use of digital technologies and media in school.

About the project

Digital technologies play important roles in modern teaching and learning, but how do school leaders utilise technologies in leading and managing their schools? And - how do they support teachers in implementing ICT for teaching and learning and stimulate innovative practices? This project is based on case studies of leadership and developmental work research (intervention studies) over the last 5-8 years. It is complemented by international review studies of uptake and use of ICT in school.


Several books and articles have been produced illuminating different aspects of leadership and school development with ICT.

Three titles point to team leadership and technology use:

  • Hauge, T. E.; Norenes, S. O. & Vedøy, G. (2014). School leadership and educational change: Tools and practices in shared school leadership development. Journal of educational change.  Online first -  doi: 10.1007/s10833-014-9228-y 
  • Hauge, T. E. & Norenes, S. O. (2009). Changing teamwork practices: Videopaper as a mediating means for teacher professional development. Technology, pedagogy and education18(3), 279-289.

Three titles point to leadership and ICT-integrated school development:

  • Hauge, T. E. & Lund, A. (2012)(Eds.). Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen. (Small steps or large jump? The state of digital technology use in school). Oslo: CappelenDamm.
  • Erstad, O. & Hauge, T. E. (2011)(Eds.). Skoleutvikling og digitale medier - kompleksitet, mangfold og ekspansiv læring. (School development and digital media. Complexity, diversity and expansive learning). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • T. E. Hauge (2010). Teknologi og mediering av kunnskaper i skolen. (Technology and knowledge mediation in school). I S. Hovdenak & O. Erstad (red.). Kunnskap i skolen, (s. 99-112). Trondheim: Tapir forlag.

Two titles point to uptake and use of ICT in school:

  • Olofsson, A. D., Lindberg, J. O., Fransson, G. &  Hauge, T. E. (2011). Uptake and use of digital technologies in primary and secondary schools - a thematic review of research. Nordic Journal of digital literacy, no.4, s. 207-225.
  • Fransson, G., Lindberrg, J. O., Olofsson, A. D. & Hauge, T. E. (2012). Förväntningar och realiteter: Om digitale teknologier i spänningsfältet mellan formulerings- och realiseringsarenor. In T. E. Hauge & A. Lund (Eds.). Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen. (Small steps or large leaps? The state of digital technology use in school). Oslo: CappelenDamm.
Published Feb. 16, 2011 1:02 PM - Last modified May 2, 2018 1:29 PM