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To create meaning in a digital, multimodal text (PhD-project)

Middle school student’s digital production of texts and the feedback from teachers will be the object of this project.

Pupil in front of a screen with pen. Illustration photo.

Illustration photo:

About the project

Students in middle school are expected to develop consciousness on how meaning is created in multimodal texts, and make conscious, deliberate choices when creating and composing digital texts as part of the school subject Norwegian (L1).  The main aim of the overall research project is to address how students in middle school can develop a meta language to describe the choices they make when constructing multimodal, digital texts.  

How this can be taught and modelled are central questions in this ph.d.-project.


The project has  two phases. Phase 1 is a part of the MuLVu-project. In this phase the use and assessment of multimodal texts in middle school is investigated. Phase 2 is an interventional project, developed from the findings in the MuLVu-project. Based on sociosemiotics, multiliteracies and designs for learning, a teaching design will be developed in iterative cycles using design-based research methods in close collaboration with teachers.


Published Sep. 19, 2022 11:12 AM - Last modified May 31, 2023 4:09 PM