Norwegian version of this page

Digital life skills in upper secondary school. A comparative study of the implementation of digital life skills in English, social science and mathematics in the new curricular reform (PhD-project).

The PhD-project will research the implementation of life skills and digital judgement in upper secondary school after the new curricular reform (LK20) in Norway.

Students in front of a alptop. Illustration photo.

Illustration photo:

About the project

The project is part of the EDUCATE-project, which researches the evaluation of the new subject curriculum in subjects. The project aims to research how these concepts are operationalised within and across selected subjects (e.g., English, Mathematics and social science) in general studies -and vocational studies programs. The concepts of life skills and digital judgement will be identified, and the protentional overlap between them will be researched in what which will be called “digital life skills.


The PhD-project is part of the EDUCATE-project and the PhD-project will conduct comparative classroom studies in upper secondary school over time and across school reforms (LK06 and LK20). The PhD goes over four years (2022-2026) and will build on EDUCATE’s comparative design and use a mixed methods design. The theoretical foundation will be connected to life skills and digital judgement, in addition to other relevant research.


The PhD-project is a public PhD funded by the Research Council of Norway and Viken Municipality.


The PhD-project is connected to and cooperates with the EDUCATE-project at the University of Oslo.

Published Sep. 16, 2022 12:47 PM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2022 12:55 PM