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Digital integration of video assessment in different arenas (DIVA)

The project aims to develop learning designs for peer assessment, formative and summative assessment in higher education, in which digital technology (video) is being utilized as an innovation tool.

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Students use the VIVA app to record video of each other's professional practice in school (photo illustration: UV/UiO).

About the project

The DIVA project is an innovation project at the Center for Professional Learning in Teacher Education (ProTed), Department of Teacher Education and School Research (ILS), which is piloting the VIVA app at ILS's educational programs. The project is carried out in UiO’s five-year Teacher training program, UiO’s master program for school management, and UiO’s mentoring program. 


The project uses the VIVA (Visual Vocal Application) recording application, enabling secure video and audio recording according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Students use the VIVA app to record video of each other's professional practice in school. These video recordings provide a unique opportunity for teacher educators to provide feedback (formative assessment) on students' practice and help students connect the curriculum to practice experiences. The video recordings are also used for formal and final assessment (summative assessment) of student practice.


DIVA consists of the following four sub-projects:


  • develops new forms of assessment by using video recordings of teacher students' authentic teaching in compulsory study components (dialogue seminar and micro teaching) in the five-year teacher training program.


  • develops new forms of assessment of practice in which video recordings of teacher students' authentic teaching are formally assessed in long-term practice in the five-year teacher education program and in the one-year Teacher Education Program (PPU).


  • develops new forms of assessment for video papers as mandatory assignments in the research methods course in the Master's program for School Management.
  • develops new forms of assessment in which video recordings of school leaders' practice is used for "shadowing and mirroring" to reflect on leadership in the Principal educational program.


  • develops new forms of assessment in the mentoring program, where students’ video recordings of their mentoring are used as a starting point for theoretical analysis of mentoring.


Department of Teacher Education and School Research (ILS) has long experience in using video recordings of authentic teaching in school to support teacher students' development of professional competence. Until now, these video recordings have been selected from classroom research carried out at ILS. The innovative VIVA app developed by ILS offers a completely new opportunity for using students' own practice experiences as the basis for feedback and conversations between teacher educators and teacher students. A beta version of the VIVA app was first tested in UiOs five-year teacher training program in the fall of 2019.


The DIVA project is financed by the following three funding programs:

  • The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU)’s funding program for “Digitalisering for læring i høyere utdanning 2020-2021”
  • The University of Oslo (UiO)’s funding program for “Digital vurdering 2019”.
  • The Faculty of Education’s (UV)’s funding program for “Prosjektmidler for kvalitetsutvikling 2020”.


The DIVA project cooperates closely with the Visual Vocal Application (VIVA) development project at ProTed, ILS, in the development of the VIVA application. Partners in the VIVA project are EngageLab and the University's Center for Information Technology (USIT)responsible for programmed the app. UiO's Computer Security Incident Response Team (UiO CERT), UiO’s IT Lawyer Group and UiO's Data Protection Officer have also contributed to secure the development process.

Published June 23, 2020 2:20 PM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2021 3:23 PM


DIVA is an innovation project at ProTed.

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Project leader

Torunn Aanesland Strømme


Detailed list of participants