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How do I cope?

What do novice teachers find particularly challenging? And what strategies do they chose to cope with these challenges? This project is concerned with the expectations of novice teachers and their experience of self-efficacy in their first year in the profession.

How do novice teachers cope with situations they find difficult? (photo of novice teacher in class: colourbox).

How do novice teachers cope with situations they find difficult? (photo: colourbox).

About the project

We focus on situations that novice teachers find particularly challenging and the strategies they chose in order to handle these challenges.

This is a qualitative longitudinal study based on interviews with a group of novice teachers in three phases. The first interview is done before they start working as teachers, the second towards the end of their first semester, and the third interview is conducted at the end of their first year in the profession.


The project aims at gaining new knowledge of what novice teachers experience as particularly challenging and how their perceived self-efficacy influences their coping strategies. This knowledge could supply teacher education- and induction programs with new understanding of how to support and guide novice teachers in coping with challenging situations.

Background and process

The transition from campus to school represents a reality shock for many novice teachers who are especially vulnerable in challenging situations. The theoretical foundation for this project is self-efficacy beliefs (Bandura, 1997): how novice teachers perceive and experience their self-efficacy. Interviews are conducted three times during their first year as teachers. The data is analyzed thematically. The time frame of the project is 2017-2020.

Published July 31, 2018 1:42 PM - Last modified Jan. 29, 2024 10:16 AM