
So far, the project has resulted in the a number of scientific publications as well as publications aimed at educational practitioners.

Iversen, J. Y., & Skrefsrud, T. A. (2024). Minority identities on display: Youth experiences from three multicultural events. In N. Hammarén, B. Ivemark, & L. Stretmo (Eds.), Migrant youth, schooling and identity: Perspectives and experiences from Northern Europe (pp. 265–279). Springer. 

Kjørven, O. K., Dewilde, J., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2025, akseptert). Negotiating Indigenous participation and heritage at a multicultural festival. Museum & Society. 

Sæther, E., Kjørven, O. K., Dewilde, J., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2024). Listening to young people’s voices: Attempts at developing context- and participant-sensitive approaches Childhood. 

Basha, S., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2023). Countering narratives of identity and belonging: Multicultural school events from a student perspective. In V. Tavares & T. A. Skrefsrud (Eds.), Critical and creative engagements with diversity in Nordic education (pp. 313–336). Lexington Books. 

Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2023). Multicultural school events: Possibilities and pitfalls for refugee students and their families. In T. D. Wolsey & I. M. Karkouti (Eds.), Teaching refugees and displaced students (pp. 197-208). Springer.

Basha, S. (2022). Minoritetsforældres konstruktion af kulturel identitet ved deltagelse på en flerkulturel skolefestival [Minority parents' construction of multicultural identity when participating at a multicultural school festival], 6(1), 126–141. 

Beiler, I. R., De Korne, H., & Dewilde, J. (2021). Etnografiske tilnærminger til andrespråksforskning [Ethnographic approaches to second language research]. NOA - Norsk som andrespråk. 

Dewilde, J., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2021). Revisiting studies of multicultural school events from the perspective of strategic essentialism. Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique, 7.

Dewilde, J., Kjørven, O. K., Skrefsrud, T.-A. & Sæther, E. (2021). Young people’s experiences and meaning-making at a multicultural festival in Norway. Peace Education.

Dewilde, J., Kjørven, O. K., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2021). Multicultural school festival as a creative space for identity construction – from a minority parent perspective. Intercultural Education.

Dewilde, J., Kjørven, O. K., Skrefsrud, T.-A., & Sæther, E. (2020). «Det er så koselig her at jeg tar av meg skoene»: Om betydningen av sted i en flerkulturell barne- og ungdomsfestival ["It is so comfortable here, I will take of my shoes": About the importance of place in a multicultural children and youth festival]. In K.-W. Sæther & A. Aschim (Eds.), Rom og sted: Religionfaglige og interdisiplinære bidrag [Space and place: Religious and interdisciplinary contributions]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.  

Øverlien, M., & Kjørven, O. K. (2019). Juleavslutninger i skolen [Christmas celebrations in school]. Prismet, 70(4), 343–360.

Basha, S. & Kjørven, O. K. (2018). Mangfold i praksis. En studie av en flerkulturell festival i skolen [Diversity in practice. A study of a multicultural festival in school]. In E. Schjetne & T.-A. Skrefsrud (Eds.), Å være lærer i en mangfoldig skole. Kulturelt og religiøst mangfold, profesjonelle verdier og verdigrunnlag [To be a teacher in a diverse school. Cultural and religious diversity, professional values and values] (pp. 102–112). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Dewilde, J., Kjørven, O. K., Skaret, A. & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2018). International week in a Norwegian school. A qualitative study of the participant perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(3), 474–486.

The following publications are aimed at educational practitioners:

Alnæs, H. & Dewilde, J. (2020). FN-dagen i skolen fra et elevperspektiv [UN Day in school from a student perspective]. Bedre skole, 3, 70–74. 

Dewilde, J., Kjørven, O. K., Skaret, A., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2017). Internasjonale uker i skolen: Eksotiske happenings eller inkluderende praksiser? [International weeks in school: Exotic happenings or inclusive practices] Bedre skole, 1

Published Aug. 23, 2018 8:59 PM - Last modified July 10, 2024 11:50 AM