
Dewilde, J., & Igland, M.-A. (2023). “No problem, janem”: En transspråklig tilnærming til flerspråklige elevers skriving [“No problem, janem”: A translingual approach to multilingual students’ writing]. In A. Golden & E. Selj (Eds.), Skriving på norsk som andrespråk: Vurdering, opplæring og elevenes stemmer [Writing in Norwegian as a second language: Assessment, teaching and students’ voices] (2nd ed., pp. 134–154). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 

Dewilde, J. (2022). Negotiating minority language resources, practices and experiences in Norwegian writing instruction for migrant students. In A. Norlund-Shaswar & J. Rosén (Eds.), Literacies in the age of mobility – Literacy practices of adult and adolescent migrants (pp. 239-262). Palgrave Macmillian. 

Dewilde, J. (2019). How Islamic are young Muslim people’s poems? Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, 13(4), 71–87. 

Dewilde, J. (2018). “It’s just in my heart”: A portrait of a translingual young person as a writer of poetry. In T. O. Engen, L. A. Kulbrandstad, & S. Lied (Eds.), Norwegian perspectives on education and diversity (pp. 103-120). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Dewilde, J. (2017). Translation and translingual remixing: A young person developing as a writer. International Journal of Bilingualism. doi:10.1177/1367006917740975

Dewilde, J., & Kulbrandstad, L. A. (2016). Nyankomne barn og unge i den norske utdanningskonteksten [Newly arrived children and young people in the Norwegian education context]. Nordand ‒ nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning, 11(2), 13‒33.

Dewilde, J., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2016). Including alternative stories in the mainstream: How transcultural young people in Norway perform creative cultural resistance in and outside of school. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20(10), 1032–1042. doi:

The following publication is aimed at educational practitioners:

Dewilde, J. (2016). «I dine øyne er jeg fortapt»: Flerspråklig skriving i skolen [“In your eyes I am lost”: Multilingual writing at school]. Bedre skole, 2, 68–71. 

Published Aug. 23, 2018 7:11 PM - Last modified June 3, 2023 7:33 PM