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Professional norms, school leadership and educational law (PRONLED) (completed)

Positioned within sociology of education, the PRONLED-project addresses how knowledge of the law emerges within organizations, raising questions about how such knowledge is used by formal school leaders in dynamic processes within and across institutional boundaries. The project secondly inquires upon how students in national leadership programs and upper-secondary school leaders in Norway and Sweden grapple with educational law and professional norms, in the midst of increased juridification of the educational sector. 

Photo: University of Oslo


The  PRONLED-project (2017-2019) addresses the ways in which principals and middle leaders in upper-secondary schools, and students in national leadership programs relate and respond to demands put forth in regulation and governing of schools. The PRONLED-project follows up on key findings in the LEXEL and the NOSI-projects (2011-2016), expanding upon previous research on educational leadership, legal standards and school inspection. 

Outcomes and cooperation 

  • Prioritizing international and national dissemination
  • Research stay at CRCPÉ (Université de Montréal) (Chaire de recherche du Canada en politiques éducatives).
  • Ongoing collaboration with researchers from Faculty of Educational Sciences and Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. 


Université de Montreal (2017, in French and English)


Selected publications

Johansson, L. & Hall, J. B. (2020). Research Ethics of Becoming: Approaches Beyond Moral Laws. International Review of Qualitative Research 12(4), 413-432. 

Hall, J. B. (2019). Rettslig styring og rettsliggjøring av grunnopplæringen – konsekvenser for skoleledere som juridiske aktører [Legal governing and juridification in primary and secondary education - consequences for school leaders as legal actors]. In: R. Jensen, B. Karseth & E. Ottesen (Eds.), Styring og ledelse i grunnopplæringen - spenninger og dynamikker. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202605544, pp. 39-55. 

Hall, J. B., Lindgren, J. & Sowada, M. (2019). Inspectors as information-seekers. I: S. Van de Walle & N. Raaphorst (Eds.), Inspectors and enforcement at the front line of government. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978303004057-4. s. 35-58

Hall, J. B. (2018). The performative shift: middle leadership 'in the line of fire'. Journal of Educational Administration and History 50(4), 364 - 378

Hall, J. B. (2018). Processes of reforming: The case of the Norwegian state school inspection policy frameworks. Education Inquiry 9(4), 397-414.     

Hall, J. B. (2017). Statlig tilsyn av skoler i Norge: sikring av likeverdig opplæring? [State school inspection in Norway: ensuring equality in classroom instruction?]. In: S. Scheutz (Ed.), En likvärdig skola för alla (3). Iustus: Uppsala. ISBN 9789176789940. s. 37-56. 

Hall, J. B. & Sivesind, K. (2017). State School Inspection Policy in Norway and Sweden (2002-2012): a reconfiguration of governing modes? In: S. J. Ball (Ed.),  Governing by numbers - Education, governance, and the tyrrany of numbers. Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9781138701151. pp. 131-160.

Tags: Leadership, Law and education
Published Feb. 20, 2017 11:31 AM - Last modified June 10, 2020 8:09 PM