Representation and participation in school science (REDE)

The project aims at developing research based teaching methods and resources that strengthen the development of functional literacy skills among teacher training students. It also aims to contribute to high quality in students’ learning processes in school.

After the students attempted to draw and explain an experiment demonstrating the greenhouse effect, the class found that the textbook illustration had some shortcomings. This is the illustration after the teacher modified it by help of suggestions from the students. Photo: Erik Knain/ILS.

After attempting to draw and explain an experiment demonstrating the greenhouse effect, the class found that the textbook illustration had some shortcomings. This is the illustration after the teacher modified it by help of suggestions from the students. Photo: Erik Knain/ILS.

The project Representation and participation in school science (REDE) develops research based teaching methods focusing on the use of representations such as

  • written and verbal language
  • graphs
  • diagrams
  • images
  • simulations 

These representations are important tools for knowledge development and communication in science.

Tools for learning and taking part in society

Representations are important for learning, for taking part in the processes and methods of science, and for understanding and taking part in society as a citizen. To master the use of representations is important, not only for a future career in science related areas, but also in everyday life such as when reading a weather forecast or judging media claims. It is therefore important for students to learn how to interpret and produce representations. It follows that it is important to teach teacher students about how to use science representations in their teaching.

Developing web based resources

The project will develop a web based resource that includes research based teaching methods and tools that focus on different forms of representations in lower and upper secondary education.

The innovation consists of four modules. The three first are:

  1. Content knowledge
  2. Socioscientific issues (SSI) and environmental challenges
  3. Nature of science (NOS)

Each module will consist of design principles, specific lesson plans, video clips, learning resources, and guides for teachers for the module at hand.

Module 4 aims at supporting the development of teacher students’ representation practices, by supporting the teaching of modules 1-3. 

Cooperating with schools

Researchers in the REDE project cooperate with teachers to develop teaching methods. Two upper secondary schools and one lower secondary school are part of the project. The researchers investigate how teachers, teacher students and students experience and use representations by analyzing pre- and posttests, video recordings of classroom interaction and interviews with students, teachers and teacher students. The theoretical frameworks that guide the analyses include interaction analysis, social semiotics, and thematic analysis. Findings and implications are discussed with the participating teachers.


REDE is supported by the FINNUT program, Research Council of Norway, 2016-2019, grant number 249872.


Knain, E., Fredlund, T., Furberg, A., Mathiassen, K., Remmen, K. B., & Ødegaard, M. (2017). Representing to learn in science education: Theoretical framework and analytical approaches. Acta Didactica Norge, 11(3), 11. 

  • Ingulfsen, Line; Furberg, Anniken & Knain, Erik (2023). The role of teacher support in students’ engagement with representational construction. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. p. 1311–1341. doi: 10.1007/s11422-023-10193-0.
  • Knain, Erik; Fredlund, Tobias & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2021). Exploring Student Reasoning and Representation Construction in School Science Through the Lenses of Social Semiotics and Interaction Analysis. Research in Science Education. ISSN 0157-244X. 51(1), p. 93–111. doi: 10.1007/s11165-020-09975-1. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fredlund, Tobias; Remmen, Kari Beate & Knain, Erik (2021). The epistemological commitments of modes: opportunities and challenges for science learning. Visual Communication. ISSN 1470-3572. doi: 10.1177/14703572211038991. Full text in Research Archive
  • Knain, Erik & Ødegaard, Marianne (2019). Naturfagets rolle i bærekraftdidaktikk. In Kvamme, Ole Andreas & Sæther, Elin (Ed.), Bærekraftdidaktikk. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-2427-2. p. 135–151.
  • Ingulfsen, Line; Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Strømme Aanesland, Torunn (2018). Students’ engagement with real-time graphs in CSCL settings: scrutinizing the role of teacher support. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ISSN 1556-1607. 13(4), p. 365–390. doi: 10.1007/s11412-018-9290-1. Full text in Research Archive
  • Knain, Erik; Fredlund, Tobias; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Mathiassen, Ketil; Remmen, Kari Beate & Ødegaard, Marianne (2017). Representing to learn in science education: Theoretical framework and analytical approaches. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922. 11(3). doi: 10.5617/adno.4722. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Knain, Erik (2019). Utforskende arbeidsmåter og representasjoner.
  • Knain, Erik (2019). Representasjoner og bærekraft.
  • Ingulfsen, Line; Furberg, Anniken Larsen & Knain, Erik (2019). Sensemaking at the intersection of authorized and student-generated representations. Nordic Research Symposium on Dialogical Perspectives in Science Education .
  • Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2018). Læring gjennom visuelle kunnskapsrepresentasjoner i naturfag.
  • Lunde, Mai Lill Suhr; Mathiassen, Ketil; Fredlund, Tobias & Knain, Erik (2018). Student teachers’ perspective of representations in science teaching and learning.
  • Lunde, Mai Lill Suhr; Mathiassen, Ketil; Fredlund, Tobias & Knain, Erik (2018). Representations and Students Teachers’ Experiences from Teacher Practice .
  • Knain, Erik; Remmen, Kari Beate & Fredlund, Tobias (2018). Representations in students’ argumentation on SSI.
  • Strømme Aanesland, Torunn; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Knain, Erik & Ingulfsen, Line (2018). Students' engagement with representations in Science.
  • Strømme Aanesland, Torunn; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Knain, Erik & Ingulfsen, Line (2018). Engaging with representations in school science .
  • Fredlund, Tobias & Knain, Erik (2018). Analysing school science group work in terms of multimodal text development and its interplay with context of situation.
  • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2018). Using representations to learn about the greenhouse effect.
  • Knain, Erik (2017). Dybdelæring med representasjoner i naturfagene.
  • Knain, Erik (2017). Dybdelæring i naturfag.
  • Knain, Erik; Fredlund, Tobias & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Making the invisible visible across modes and representations.
  • Ingulfsen, Line & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Supporting students' conceptual sense-making with multimodal representations in science learning.
  • Knain, Erik; Remmen, Kari Beate & Fredlund, Tobias (2017). The role of representations in students' argumentation on SSI.
  • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Remmen, Kari Beate (2017). Two central aspects of sign-making for the learning of science: differentiation and integration .
  • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). The transition from naturalistic to theoretical representations of the greenhouse effect .
  • Fredlund, Tobias; Knain, Erik & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Teaching science using underdetermined representations: Illustration and implications .
  • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2017). Teaching in technology rich settings - Scrutinizing teacher-student interaction in dialogic classroom settings.
  • Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). REDE – Representasjon og deltakelse i naturfag.
  • Ødegaard, Marianne & Furberg, Anniken Larsen (2016). Representations and Participation in Science Education.
  • Knain, Erik (2016). Hvordan kan SFL bidra til innsikt i kompetansebegrepet i naturfag.
  • Knain, Erik (2016). Visuelle uttrykk i naturfag: veien til god læring.

View all works in Cristin

Published Dec. 21, 2015 10:01 AM - Last modified May 4, 2022 11:11 AM


Erik Knain
Project leader


Detailed list of participants