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Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)

The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) asks teachers and school leaders about their working conditions and the learning environments.

The survey covers important themes such as initial teacher education and professional development; what sort of appraisal and feedback teachers get; the school climate; school leadership; and teachers’ instructional beliefs and pedagogical practices. Norway participated in TALIS 2008 and 2013. Approximately 48 countries will participate in TALIS 2018. In Norway TALIS is conducted by Unit for Quantitative Analysis in Education (EKVA).

OECD's video about TALIS:

Target groups:
•Lower secondary education teachers and leaders of mainstream schools
•200 schools per country; teachers and school leader in each school
•Representative samples of schools and teachers within schools

Find out more


Published Mar. 15, 2016 12:27 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2018 1:50 PM