Publications and results


Lejonberg, E., Elstad, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (2017). Teaching evaluation: antecedents of teachers’ perceived usefulness of follow-up sessions and perceived stress related to the evaluation process. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice.

Elstad, E., Lejonberg, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (2017). Student evaluation of high-school teaching: Which factors are associated with teachers’ perception of the usefulness of being evaluated? Journal of Educational Research Online, 9 (1), 99-117.

Elstad, E., Lejonberg, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (2015).Teaching evaluation as a contested practice: Teacher resistance to teaching evaluation schemes in Norway. Education Inquiry, 6(4), 375-399.

Elstad, E., Lejonberg, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (2015).Teaching evaluation as a contested practice: Teacher resistance to teaching evaluation schemes in Norway. Education Inquiry, (EDUI) 2015, 6, 27850, , 375–399.

Lejonberg, E., Elstad, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (submitted). Teaching Evaluation: Antecedents of Teachers’ Perceived Usefulness of Follow-up Sessions and of Teacher Stress Related to the Evaluation Process

Elstad, E., Lejonberg, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (submitted).When students evaluate teaching: What variables affect teachers’ perception of the usefulness of the evaluations?

Lejonberg, E., Eriksen, H., Elstad, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (submitted). Undervisningsvurdering som utgangspunkt for lærerstudenters profesjonelle utvikling:  Kan elevers vurdering av lærerstudenter være nyttig?

Other results

PhD- seminar Teacher evaluation/teacher appraisal March 23-24, 2015 with Professor  Maria Assunção Flores (University of Minho, Portugal) and professor Peter van Petegem (University of Antwerp).

Eriksen, H. Lejonberg, E. & Elstad, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (2015). Antecedents of student teachers’ perceived usefulness of teaching evaluation. An intervention study. Presentation at EAPRIL conference Luxembourg November 2015.

Published Apr. 27, 2016 2:56 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2018 11:55 AM