
International published in peer reviewed journals

Elstad, E. (2008) Towards a theory of mutual dependency between school administrators and teachers. Bargaining theory as research heuristic. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership 36 (3): 383-404. (Award for best article in 2008 by British Educational Leadership Management & Administration Society)

Elstad, E. (2008) Building self-discipline to promote learning: Students’ volitional strategies to navigate the demands of schooling. Learning Inquiry vol.2 (1): 53-71.

Elstad, E. (2006) Understanding the nature of accountability failures in the technology-filled classroom: Disaffected students and teachers who give in. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38 (4): 459-481.

Elstad, E. (2006) The Relevance of Rhetoric to the Study of Power in Communication and Communicative Adequacy. The International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 11(1): 1-11.

Elstad, E. (2005) Om prosesstyring og resultatorientering i utdanningspolitikken. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift nr 2: 132-145.

The theoretical framework of the project is outlined in this article:

Elstad, E. (2002) Towards a Model of Strategic Actions in the Classroom: Games theory as research heuristic. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 46(1): 65-82.

Published Nov. 4, 2010 1:57 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2010 1:57 PM