Partnership as a strategy for learning and development (PhD project)

More than 200 projects, building on different concepts, have been put into action in Norwegian schools the past two years. This study investigates how a partnership between national, regional and the local level can be a tool in school development.

About the project

Doctoral student: Marit Aas

Supervisors: Jorunn Møller, ILS, University of Oslo, and Frøydis Hertzberg, ILS, University of Oslo

The topic of this project is school development and leadership. The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research has developed a national strategy for increasing the level of literacy achievement “Make space for reading” (2003-2007).  The study explores the learning processes and the development processes that take place in a partnership involving school leaders, teachers and reading experts and how this partnership represents a strategy for improving literacy reading education. The aim of the study is to investigate both the collective learning processes and the individual learning processes.


The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective on learning, and action research is chosen as both a learning strategy and a research strategy. The analyses draw upon Wengers framework “ Communities of practice” () and cultural-historical activity theory ().




Engeström, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding. An activity theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit.
Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Funding: The Institute of Teacher Education and School Development (ILS), University of Oslo. Duration: December 2009

Selected publications:

Skedsmo, G. og Aas, M. (2006): "Ledelse i skolen - lederroller og lederfokus." Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 2. Universitetsforlaget.
Aas, M., Aubert, V.G., Lyster, S. H. og Piltingsrud, K. (2006): Hvordan løfte en hel skole? Aksjonslæring som utviklingsstrategi for å få en bedre leseundervisning. Acta Didactica. Vol. 3. Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleutvikling. Universitetet i Oslo.
Aas, M. og Skedsmo, Guri (2006): "Om betydningen av kunnskaps- og læringsformer i et studium av utdanningledelse." I: Sivesind, K. et al: Utdanningsledelse. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.
Marit Aas (2002): Kvalifisering - et spørsmål om å vite og å gjøre: dokumentasjon av et pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid hos 11 rektorer. Hovedoppgave i pedagogikk - Universitetet i Oslo


The Institute of Teacher Education and School Development (ILS), University of Oslo.


Published Sep. 20, 2010 1:57 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2011 9:40 AM


  • Marit Aas University of Oslo
  • Frøydis Hertzberg University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants