ICCEP Multiplier event

At this first multiplier event participants will be given a summary of the work of the ICCEP project to date. The event will present key findings and intellectual outputs in the project.

Illustrasjonsfoto av to unge gutter i et klasserom.

(Illustrasjonsfoto: Jeswin Thomas på Unsplash).

The ICCEP project aims to develop a community-based planning and evaluation system, where schools and other actors collaborate in networks to improve the conditions of pupils with a migration background. A key action in the ICCEP project is to reach out to stakeholders and other participants who will be given a summary of the work of the project to date at the first Multiplier event at the University of Oslo, Norway. The event will present key findings and intellectual outputs in the project, and an interim report will be placed on the project website and furthermore published and distributed among key stakeholders in each national system as well as being distributed to transnational organisations such as the EU and UNESCO. At the event we also aim to engage in professional discussions between stakeholders and the project group.







Opening of Multiplier event
Jeffery Hall and Guri Skedsmo, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo

Welcome Address
Rita Hvistendahl, Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo

The role of schools and school leadership in supporting students with migration backgrounds
Geir Johansen, Principal at Gamlebyen School, Oslo

Introduction and Background to ICCEP (Inter-Cultural Community Evaluation and Planning)
Martin Brown - ICCEP Project coordinator, EQI, School of Policy and Practice, DCU Institute of Education, Ireland




What research tells about the challenges and opportunities for ICCEP
Jeffrey Hall - Department for Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo

Outcome of case studies of ICCEP practices, challenges and experiences in secondary schools in Austria, Ireland, Norway and Turkey
Laura Del Castillo Blanco - CEYE-Juntaex

Inter-Cultural Community Evaluation and Planning in Schools: a conceptual framewor
Funda Nayir - Pamukkale University, and Joe O’Hara - DCU Institute of Education


A commentary to the ICCEP project

Questions and answers
Questions from the audience to th ICEP team


Concluding remarks and ICCEP moving forward
Martin Brown - EQI, School of Policy and Practice, DCU Institute of Education



Publisert 4. nov. 2022 12:17 - Sist endret 8. jan. 2024 13:30