
Tema: Ledelse i teknologirike omgivelser

  • Hauge, Trond Eiliv (2016). On the Life of ICT and School Leadership in a Large-Scale Reform Movement: A Case Study, In E. Elstad (Ed.),  Digital Expectations and Experiences in Education.  Sense Publishers.  ISBN 9789463006460.  Kap.6.  s 97 - 116
  • Hauge, T.E. & Norenes, S.O. (2014). Collaborative leadership development with ICT: experiences from three exemplary schools.  International Journal of Leadership in Education.  doi: 10.1080/13603124.2014.963689
  • Hauge, T.E., Norenes,  S.O. & Vedøy, G. (2014). School leadership and educational change: Tools and practices in shared school leadership development. Journal of educational change. 15(4), s 357- 376. 
  • Hauge, T.E. & Lund, A. (2012)(Eds.). Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen. (Small steps or large leaps? The state of digital technology use in school). Oslo: CappelenDamm.

Tema: Utvikling av digitale læringsomgivelser/utdanninger

  • Hauge, T.E. (2015).Preparing teachers for tomorrow’s schools. Reforming initial teacher education with the use of ICT in Norway. In L. Orland-Barak & C. Craig (Eds.) International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies (Part B). Advances in Research on Teaching, Volume 22, 413-435. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Hauge, T.E. & Lund, A. (red.)(2012). Små skritt eller store sprang. Om digitale tilstander i skolen. Oslo: CappelenDamm forlag
  • Erstad, O & Hauge, T.E. (red.)(2011). Skoleutvikling og digitale medier. Kompleksitet, mangfold og ekspansiv læring. Oslo: Gyldendal forlag.
  • Hauge, T. & Norenes, S.O. (2010). Videopaper as a Bridging Tool in Teacher Professional Development. In J.O. Lindberg & A.D. Olofsson (Eds.) Online Learning Communities and Teacher Professional Development: Methods for Improved Education Delivery (209-228). Hershey: IGI Global.
  • Hauge, T.E. (2010). Teknologi og mediering av kunnskaper i skolen. I S. Hovdenak & O. Erstad (Red.). Kunnskap i skolen (99-112). Tapir forlag. 
  • Olofsson, A. D., Lindberg, J. O., Fransson, G. &  Hauge, T. E. (2011). Uptake and use of digital technologies in primary and secondary schools – a thematic review of research. Nordic Journal of digital literacy, no.4, s. 207-225.
  • Hauge, T. E., Lund, A. & Vestøl, J. M. (2007)(red.). Undervisning i endring. IKT, aktivitet og design. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.
Publisert 11. nov. 2010 06:57 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2017 10:46