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Theory and Practice in Teacher Education (TAPTE) (avsluttet)

Dette prosjektet undersøker hvordan lærerstudenter opplever ulike aspekter ved praksis og teoreti-orientert læring i utdanningen.

Foto av to studenter som blar i en bok

Hvordan opplever lærerstudentene lærerutdanningen? (Foto: Unsplash)


Lærerutdanninger inneholder gjerne både teoretiske og praktiske komponenter. Theory and Practice in Teacher Education (TAPTE) vil utvikle kunnskap om hvordan lærerstudenter oppfatter relasjonen mellom teori i praksis i utdanningen. 

Les mer på prosjektets engelske side.

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Elstad, E. & Christophersen, K.A. (2017). Perceptions of digital competency among student teachers: contributing to the development of student teachers’ instructional self-efficacy in technology-rich classrooms. Education sciences, 7(1): 1-15; doi:10.3390/educsci7010027. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/7/1/27

Christophersen, K.A., Elstad, E., Juuti,K., Solhaug, T.  & Turmo, A. (2017).  Duration of On-Campus Academic Engagements of Student Teachers in Finland and Norway. Education Inquiry, 8(2):89-103..

Christophersen, K.A, Elstad, E, Solhaug, T. & Turmo, A. (2016). Antecedents of student teachers’ affective commitment to the teaching profession and turnover intention. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(3), pp. 270-286.

Christophersen, K.A, Elstad, E, Solhaug, T. & Turmo, A. (2016). Teacher Education Programmes and Their Contribution to Student Teacher Efficacy in Classroom Management and Pupil Engagement. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60:2, 240-254, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1024162

Christophersen, K.A, Elstad, E, Solhaug, T. & Turmo, A. (2015). Explaining Motivational Antecedents of Citizenship Behavior among Preservice Teachers. Education Sciences, 5, 126-145.

Christophersen, K.A, Elstad, E, Solhaug, T. & Turmo, A. (2015). Gender Variations in Norwegian Pre-service Teachers' Motivational Orientations. Problems of Education in the 21st Century (ISSN 1822-7864), 63 (63), 17-28.

Christophersen, K.A, Elstad, E, Solhaug, T. & Turmo, A. (2015). Antecedents of Norwegian student teachers' campus time on task. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10 (3), 59-78.

Publisert 28. mai 2013 13:40 - Sist endret 4. juni 2020 14:15