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Collage with pictures displaying apps and computer games Engagelab has been involved in the development of.

Engagelab supports researchers at the Faculty of Education with design, ICT development and evaluation. The scientific unit is located at the Department of Education and consists of ICT developers, designers, and researchers. 

Engagelab helps you with

Design and development

Engagelab provides advanced researcher support and creates new opportunities in research projects. We assist researchers in all phases of projects - including early planning, ideation, and exploration phases.

We have extensive experience in developing all aspects of digital environments, such as learning-, teaching-, and communication environments, learning design, representations, and simulations. Additionally, we design and adapt digital platforms used in research.

Engagelab can assist you with interventions and support in design work involving partners and external developers. Besides, we can provide advice on how artificial intelligence (AI) can benefit your project.

In previous projects, for example, we have designed and developed apps that stimulate language development and instruments that visualize collaboration based on AI-assisted conversation analyses.

Several projects are supported by Engagelab over years, as design and development occur in multiple rounds of testing and adjustments.

For researchers, our working method means that you receive diverse support through long-term partnerships and that you get the opportunity to actively use technology in your research.

Do you have an idea you want to discuss with us? Contact Engagelab's leader, Ole Smørdal.

Knowledge in Use

In many cases, Engagelab contributes to the utilization of research-based knowledge in society. Often, this involves an invention or innovation made available to others.

Examples include developing a research-based, digital learning tool that teachers can use in the classroom; an instrument that measures audience experiences in a museum; or a mapping tool that kindergartens can use in their work with children's language development.

Do you have an idea for a research project where such an innovation could be central? Or are you curious about how the society can benefit from what you are already doing in an ongoing project?

Engagelab contributes to all phases of projects - including early planning, ideation, and exploration phases.

Contact leader Ole Smørdal to discuss the possibilities.

Research Data and Analysis

Engagelab supports researchers in handling and storing research data. Sometimes we do this by adapting existing solutions, other times by developing new ones.

For example, we have extensive experience in establishing storage solutions. This applies to both solutions for specific research environments and projects, as well as adaptations of the University of Oslo's standard solutions such as Services for Sensitive Data (TSD), Nettskjema, and the research platform Educloud Research.

We can also help develop and adapt tools for analysis, solutions for visualizing, filtering, and compiling researcher data.
Engagelab can also assist you in creating data management plans, risk and vulnerability analyses (RVA), and assessing the data processing impact (DPIA).

Are you wondering if Engagelab can help you and your project with tools, solutions, or questions related to research data? Contact leader Ole Smørdal.

Examples of what we do


Engagelab has contributed to the digital and dialogic conversation tool called Talkwall (Samtavla).


HuLAR is a hub-node to develop knowledge and infrastructure for learning analytics. 


EngageLab assist the SL+ project by developing a digital vocabulary stimulation for minority kindergarten children.


Captain Morf

EngageLab contribute gamification design, interaction design, and development of the vocabulary app Kaptein Morf.


Department of Teacher Education and School Research has collaborated with EngageLab to develop an app for video and audio recording related to profession education and peer guidance.


The Oslo Early Education Study

EngageLab contributes with data collection and development of an app that supports adult-child interactions and childrens' language learning in kindergartens. 


Visitracker is a tool that supports real-time observation and analytics of audiences in public spaces. Developed with contributions from curators at National museum and EngageLab. 


EngageLab has contributed to the development of a site with short videos discussing how the pandemic will affect and transform education. 


EngageLab supports Include researchers in inclusive processes in research-practice partnerships to implement socially inclusive energy transitions.