The Nordic Education Model: Conclusive events

The Nordic Education Model-project welcomes you to its final conference.

Historisk kart over Norden med Grønland .

Photo of map: Jesper Eckhardt Larsen

As a part of the comparative research project NordEd, where the purpose was to examine the Nordic Education Model, a final conference will be held on 14 and 15 of September 2023.

The project examined four different features: knowledge, curricula and subject lines, teacher cultures and teacher training, and policy-making and reform work.

The research group represents large professional diversity within various disciplines. The project has sought to provide broad and critical perspectives on the emergence, sustainability of some common values, and design of the national education systems. The research group has emphasized both current and historical aspects of the Nordic Education Model.

The conclusive events are open to everyone. The programme is listed below. The programme parts that are described in English, will be held in English. The others will be held in Norwegian.


The conference is open to everyone registered. Please click the buttons below to let us know you will attend.

Yes, I would like to attend the open events on 14 of September (from 14.30)

Yes, I would like to attend at the open outreach and stakeholder event on 15 of September


Thursday 14 of September

  • 12.15–14.15: Workshop for young scholars.
  • Contributions by Afshan Bibi and Elin Rødahl Lie, commentators Brit Marie Hovland and Synne Myrebøe. Invitations and programme will be distributed. Please notify Kirsten Sivesind if you would like to attend.

Diskusjonsforum om pedagogikkens faglige legitimitet og status

  • 14.30–15.05: Det lange 1968 i norsk pedagogikk. Kim Helsvig.
  • 15.15–15.50: Hva var pedagogikk? Kunnskapstriangelet pedagogikk/ utdanningsvitenskap 1970–2020. Harald Jarning
  • 15.50–16.00: Plenary discussion. Chair: Kirsten Sivesind 

Friday 15 of September

Nordic Education Model outreach and stakeholder event

  • 12.00–12.20: Welcome and brief introduction. Tore Rem and Inga Bostad
  • 12.20–13.05: Critiques meet author
    • The Nordic Education Model in Context. Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations. Eds. Daniel Tröhler, Bernadette Hörmann, Sverre Tveit and Inga Bostad.
      Reader: Merethe Roos 
    • Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model. Comparative and historical perspectives. Eds. Jesper Eckhardt Larsen, Barbara Schulte and Fredrik Thue.
      Reader: Berit Karseth 
    • Discussion led by Daniel Tröhler
  • 13.05–13.15: Pause
  • 13.15–14.15: Høydepunkter fra prosjektet «Den nordiske utdanningsmodellen»
    • Lærerutdanning og profesjonalisering i Norge – noen diskurser. Sølvi Mausethagen
    • Likestilling som pedagogisk ideal – Fra kollektivt fellesskapsprosjekt til individets ansvar for å mestre livet? Elin Rødahl Lie
    • New knowledge and new opportunities for professional development among Norwegian school teachers, 1927–1937. Afshan Bibi
  • 14.15–14.25: Pause
  • 14.25–15.10: Panel om lærerutdanning i Norden: Hva kan vi lære av hverandre? Deltakere: Dina Knudsen, Sølvi Mausethagen, Steffen Handal, Turid Løyte Harboe og Jonas Bakken. Ordstyrer: Jesper Eckhardt Larsen
  • 15.10–16.00: Mottakelse. Hilsen fra dekan Rita Hvistendahl

Questions concerning the conference can be directed to Linn Evy Iversen.

Published Aug. 29, 2023 3:00 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2023 8:10 AM