Open talk: "Learning beyond the school"

Professor Julian Sefton-Green, and commentators, will give a talk about the new book Learning beyond the School.


14.15-15.00: Julian Sefton-Green: Learning beyond school: International perspectives on the schooled society

15.00-15.10: Pause

15.10-15.40: Comments by Ola Erstad, Kristinn Hegna and Alfredo Jornet Gil

15.40-16.00: Open discussion

Chair: Kenneth Silseth

Learning Beyond the School brings together accounts of learning from around the world in organisations, spaces and places that are schooled, but not school. Exploring examples of learning organisation, pedagogisation, informal learning and social education, the book shows not only how understandings of education are framed in terms of local versions of schooling, but what being educated could and should mean in very different social and political contexts.


Dr. Julian Sefton-Green is a Professor of New Media Education at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He has worked as an independent scholar and has held positions at the Department of Media & Communication, London School of Economics & Political Science and at the University of Oslo working on projects exploring learning and learner identity across formal and informal domains. 

He has researched and written widely on many aspects of media education, new technologies and informal learning. Photo: Private


Published Sep. 21, 2018 12:18 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2019 10:51 AM