Open Lecture: "Self-regulated learning in the workplace: the association of work and learning"

Feel free to join this open lecture with Professor Allison Littlejohn from The Open University in the UK.

Illustration of group work. Photo.

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About the lecture

The ability to self-regulate learning is critical for professionals who are increasingly working in uncertain circumstances.  For example, health professionals faced with rapid increase in drug resistance by cultivating new forms of practice; finance professionals have to deal with uncertain political change by developing new processes; the energy sector, faced with challenging conditions to source new forms of energy, have to learn to create new solutions. This presentation traces an empirical investigation of the self-regulation strategies of professionals in both physical workplace and online settings (Littlejohn et al, 2016a; Littlejohn 2016b ). In particular how learners’ motivations influence self-regulated learning. The seminar compares the narrative descriptions of behaviour between learners who self-report different levels of self-regulation. Professionals who perceive their self-regulation as good or poor approach learning in different ways, though their behaviours may, at times, appear to be similar. Their motivations and goals shape how they conceptualise the purpose of learning, which, in turn, influences perceptions of the learning process.  This seminar partly is based on a new Springerbrief: Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [un]democratising potential of MOOCs (Littlejohn & Hood, 2018).


  • Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [un]democratising potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Singapore: Springer.
  • Littlejohn, Allison; Hood, Nina; Milligan, Colin and Mustain, Paige (2016a). Learning in MOOCs: Motivations and self-regulated learning in MOOCs. The Internet and Higher Education, 29 pp. 40–48.
  • Littlejohn, Allison; Milligan, Colin; Fontana, Rosa Pia and Margaryan, Anoush (2016b). Professional Learning Through Everyday Work: How Finance Professionals Self-Regulate Their Learning. Vocations and Learning: Studies in Vocational and Professional Education, 9(2) pp. 207–226.


If you have any questions concerning the lecture, please contact professor Terje Grønning

Portrait of Professor Allison Littlejohn
Professor Allison Littlejohn, The Open University, UK

Professor Allison Littlejohn is Academic Director for Digital Innovation at The Open University, UK and Chair of Learning Technology, researching professional and digital learning. Professor Littlejohn has held research Chairs at three UK Universities, The Open University, Glasgow Caledonian University and Dundee University and academic positions at the Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde, Highlands and Islands (UK) and N Colorado (USA). She has worked in organisational change as a University Senior Manager since 2006. Her research with professional organisations and multinational companies spans the Finance, Education, Health and Energy sectors. She was Senior Researcher in Knowledge Innovation & Development for Royal Dutch Shell 2008-10. Professor Littlejohn has established and led research programmes in four UK universities during which time she has been Principal Investigator or Senior Scientist on over 40 research projects funded by organisations including the Economic & Social Research Council, The European Commission, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Energy Institute, British Petroleum, the Higher Education Academy, Jisc, the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the Scottish Funding Council. She has published over 200 scientific articles and is regularly invited as a  keynote  speaker and is currently an external examiner for University College London.

Published Sep. 7, 2018 3:49 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2024 10:00 AM