Storytelling at school: a context for co-construction of meaning and oral skills (PhD - project) (completed)

This projects explores the possibilities when including professional oral storytellers in a school context. It studies the interaction, the multimodality and how the storytelling situations can contribute to co-construction of meaning and to reflections on, and development of oral skills.

About the project

Since the mid 1990s, it has been possible to study oral storytelling as part of the studies within drama and theater in Universities and University Colleges in Norway. As a consequence of this, we can find professional storytellers in several Norwegian schools today. Some work as teacher, with the storyteller education as one of several subjects, while many tour schools through the programme The Cultural Rucksack, funded by the Norwegian Art Council and providing different art and cultural expressions to all Norwegian schools. This projects focuses however on schools who have chosen to engage storytellers directly, on shorter or longer term, to tell stories, and teach students to tell. Two different student groups are studied: The youngest children, from first grade, are studied as they listen to stories, and as they recall what they have heard. The aim here is to see how they interact in the storytelling situation, and how different modalities are used both by the storyteller and the children, and how the children co-construct in the situation and when retelling. Students in ninth grade are studied as they had a course with the storytellers, learning to tell stories themselves. The students have experienced storytelling throughout all their years at school, and their experience with embodiment and oral skills are reflected on in the study. The data in both groups are a combination of observation and interviews.

Research category

Basic research

Published Feb. 25, 2015 11:21 AM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2017 3:06 PM


Kristin Aadland



  • Kristin Aadland University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants