The role of learning- and knowledge-based dynamic capabilities on small firms’ innovativeness (PhD project) (completed)

The focus of the current research project is to unfold the underlying factors in innovation performance of the new technology-based firms from the dynamic capability perspective. To do so, some selected new firms, operating in biotechnology industry, will be studied in four different countries concerning their learning- and knowledge-based dynamic capabilities.

About the project

In today’s ever changing environment, innovation is a vital element for high performance and the survival of firms. Subsequently, it is important to investigate how to enhance and improve innovation capability and performance of the firm. The ability of the firms to innovate is depended on their capability to sense the opportunities, seize them, and transform and adapt to new processes. This capability to sense, seize and transform the assets is referred to as Dynamic Capability (DC) of the firm and the firms possess various dynamic capabilities. DCs result in higher performance and innovativeness. Thus, DCs perspective was selected for the aim of this study investigating the factors that affect innovation performance of the firms. As DCs can be varied, for this study knowledge- and learning-based capabilities have been selected. Knowledge-based capabilities have been selected, since one of the major inputs for innovation is knowledge. In addition, organizational learning is closely related to the innovativeness of the firm. However, how these capabilities affect the firm’s innovative performance has been treated as a black box and studies limited to the conceptual development and not empirical investigation. In addition, most of the researches that have been done in this area of dynamic capability study, have the focus on large firms. Thus, this study fills the current gap in the research in understanding the role of organizational learning and knowledge-based capabilities in gaining innovativeness in new firms. In addition, unlike most studies that focus on technological innovativeness, in this project the non-technical innovations will be the focus, since although technological innovativeness is necessary for the firm’s success, they are not enough. Hence, the initial research question is: How dynamic capabilities based on knowledge and learning affects the non-technological innovation of new firms?

The empirical focus will be on new biotechnological firms in four small countries, which have high income and all aim to succeed in and investing heavily in biotechnology industry. The study will use qualitative method in an in-depth analysis of number of cases. The time frame of the project is November 2015 until November 2019 and it is supervised by Prof. Terje Grønning.

Published Apr. 26, 2016 12:00 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2022 10:46 PM


Parisa Afshin
