Ahus - Standardized work descriptions (completed)

This PhD project explores what happens to knowledge practices at a hospital, when they re-organize the nursing service's clinical procedures, by following the implementation and use of a new knowledge artifact.


The case study's research aim is tree-fold:

  1. consolidation of work descriptions - the local in-house knowledge repository of clinical procedures and the standardized descriptions of clinical procedures in PPS
  2. introduction and integration of the work descriptions in their clinical activity and electronic patient record  
  3. evolving knowledge practice before, during and following transition to new building and re-engineered work flow

Theory and methods

Longitudinal case study, participant observation using video and audio recordings of nursing activities at the hospital, and stakeholder interviews.


Akershus University Hospital

Funding and timeframe

Norwegian Nurses Organization
Akershus University Hospital

Timeframe: 2007-2010

Related Projects

Knowledge Construction Across Work Settings
Ahus - Knowledge creation and production processes in transforming social practice

KP-Lab: Knowledge Practices Laboratory


Poster: Standardized work descriptions  - negotiations as trading zone activity (Nes, S. Moen, A.,). Presented at CMC conference 2007 -pdf

Poster: Dokumentasjon av sykepleie og bruk av kunnskapsbaserte prosedyrer (Størseth, K., Voldhuset, R.M., Nes, S., Moen, A.,). Presented at Sykepleiekongressen 2008, Livskraftig Kompetanse - pdf

Published Sep. 15, 2010 9:46 AM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2010 10:25 AM


Project leader: Sturle Nes 


  • Sturle Nes University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants