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Immersive Learning across School and Community (ILASC)

How can AR and VR support students’ deep learning? and What role might organizations in the local community play in students' learning and competence development in science education?

Elever med vr briller i klasserom

Illustration photo: Colourbox

About the project

In the project Immersive Learning Across Contexts (ILASC), we will develop interdisciplinary learning designs targeting the topic Public Health and Life Competence (Folkehelse og Livsmestring) where new digital technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), play an important part as learning resources. We will create learning environments that enable students to experience abstract knowledge in engaging and meaningful ways by connecting the classroom to relevant knowledge practices in the local community. We will employ design-based methods that involve close collaboration between researchers, schools and organizations in the local community. 


This is a three-year project, which involves researchers at, students and teachers in an upper secondary school in Oslo, youth which is engaged in a sports club and the local community in which the school is situated. We employ design-based methods in the project, as well as sociocultural and situated perspectives on learning and technology-use. 


Innovation in Public Innovation, The Norwegian Research Council

Colaboration partners

The Education Agency of the City of Oslo (project owner), Department of Education, University of Oslo (project leader), Faculty of Education and International Studies, OsloMet, a sports club and an upper secondary school in Oslo.


  • Domanchin, Morgane Barbara; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Silseth, Kenneth & Steier, Rolf (2023). Co-designing for Immersive Learning Experiences in the Classroom .
  • Arnseth, Hans Christian & Domanchin, Morgane Barbara (2022). Pedagogisk innovasjon med AR og VR: Muligheter og utfordringer​.
  • Silseth, Kenneth; Domanchin, Morgane Barbara & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2022). Engasjerende dybdelæring med AR og VR​ .

View all works in Cristin

Published Apr. 6, 2020 2:48 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 11:45 AM


Project Leader

Hans Christian Arnseth
