Explorations in Digital Design (completed)

About the project

An interdisciplinary book project into emerging and changing theories and practices of research in digital design.


The book aims to drawn together the experiences and insights of an interdisciplinary group of researchers and designers in order to address some of the major issues that we face in designing and researching the digital.

Theory and methods

From the view of the Communication Design Research Group, in this book we have contributed a variety of methods from the humanities and social sciences related to a sociocultural perspective on design.

Funding and timeframe

Funded by:
Digital Design

Timeframe: 2006-2009


A co-authored book of 9 chapters:

Wagner, I., Stuedahl, D. & Bratteteig, T. (Eds). (forthcoming 2009). Explorations in Digital Design. Springer: Vienna.

ToC to soon be listed here.

The Communication Design researchers have contributed to 6 of the 9 chapters, 3 of which they are lead authors.

One chapter has been co-written with Even Westvang and Simen Skogsrud, the designers of Underskog, an Oslo-based social networking site.



Published Sep. 16, 2010 8:56 AM - Last modified June 17, 2013 1:02 PM


Project leader Andrew Morrison


  • Dagny Stuedahl University of Oslo
  • Synne Skjulstad University of Oslo
  • Gunnar Liestøl
  • Tone Bratteteig
  • Christina Mörthberg
  • Ina Wagner
Detailed list of participants