
The project leaders of LiKE hosted an ESF Exploratory Workshop on the theme 'Professional Education and Learning in Knowledge-Intensive Societies' in Oslo, May 4.-6. 2011. The workshop was funded by the European Science Foundation, and the grant was received in collaboration with Prof. Tara Fenwick, University of Stirling. 12 distiguished researchers from across Europe participated in this event.

Download scientific report (Workshop no. 8)  

A Special Issue of the Journal of Education and Work, comprising several papers from the workshop, was published in March 2012. The articles can be found here:  


Time and place: , Room 265 (Fakultetsstyrerommet), Helga Eng Bldg., University of Oslo

Researching artefact-mediated practices in professional work: case studies of knowledge resources and learning in nursing, teaching and accountancy