


I am happy and honoured to have been able to present work from my Knowing Bodies project at the EARLI 2017 Conference in Tampere, Finland. This is the most important conference on education in Europe. 

Time and place: , Quebec

I am happy and honoured to have been able to present part of my work in the Knowing Bodies at the ISCAR 2017 congress, the most important venue to international research on cultural-historical theory. 

Time and place: , Copenhagen Business School

As part of my research on design as collective and embodied practice, I am excited to participate in the 11th Design Thinking Research Symposium, which will be held at the Copenhagen Business School 12-15 November.   

Time and place: , Singapore
Time and place: , Helsingør, Denmark
Time and place: , San Francisco

As part of my ongoing collaboration with the University of Victoria (Canada), the University of Washington (US), and the Purdue University (US), I will be participating in a workshop on human-centered data science at the CSCW 2016 conference in San Francisco.